fl4health.parameter_exchange.parameter_selection_criteria module¶
- class LayerSelectionFunctionConstructor(norm_threshold, exchange_percentage, normalize=True, select_drift_more=True)[source]¶
- __init__(norm_threshold, exchange_percentage, normalize=True, select_drift_more=True)[source]¶
This class leverages functools.partial to construct layer selection functions, which are meant to be used by the DynamicLayerExchanger class.
- Parameters:
norm_threshold (float) – A nonnegative real number used to select those layers whose drift in l2 norm exceeds (or falls short of) it.
exchange_percentage (float) – Indicates the percentage of layers that are selected.
normalize (bool, optional) – Indicates whether when calculating the norm of a layer, we also divide by the number of parameters in that layer. Defaults to True.
select_drift_more (bool, optional) – Indicates whether layers with larger drift norm are selected. Defaults to True.
- select_layers_by_percentage(exchange_percentage, normalize, select_drift_more, model, initial_model)[source]¶
- select_layers_by_threshold(threshold, normalize, select_drift_more, model, initial_model)[source]¶
Return those layers of model that deviate (in l2 norm) away from corresponding layers of self.initial_model by at least (or at most) self.threshold.
- select_scores_and_sample_masks(model, initial_model)[source]¶
Selection function that first selects the “weight_scores” and “bias_scores” parameters for the masked layers, and then samples binary masks based on those scores to send to the server. This function is meant to be used for the FedPM algorithm.
- Note: in the current implementation, we always exchange the score tensors for all layers. In the future, we might
support exchanging a subset of the layers (for example, filtering out the masks that are all zeros).