fl4health.privacy.moments_accountant module

class FixedSamplingWithoutReplacement(population_size, sample_size)[source]

Bases: SamplingStrategy

Return type:


class MomentsAccountant(moment_orders=None)[source]

Bases: object


Moment orders are equivalent to lambda from Deep Learning with Differential Privacy (Abadi et. al. 2016). They form the set of moments to estimate the infimum of Theorem 2 part 2. The default values were taken from the tensorflow federated DP tutorial notebook: https://github.com/tensorflow/federated/blob/main/docs/tutorials/ federated_learning_with_differential_privacy.ipynb

In the paper above, they state that trying lambda <= 32 is usually sufficient.

Sampling type is the data point sampling strategy: i.e. examples from dataset for a batch with probability q Noise type specifies whether Gaussian or Laplacian noise is added to the updates

get_delta(sampling_strategies, noise_multiplier, updates, epsilon)[source]
Return type:


If the parameters are lists, then it is assumed that the training applied the parameters in a sequence of updates.

Ex. sampling_strategies = [PoissonSampling(q_1), PoissonSampling(q_2)], noise_multiplier = [z_1, z_2], updates = [t_1, t_2] implies that q_1, z_1 were applied for t_1 updates, followed by q_2, z_2 for t_2 updates.

Sampling_strategies: Are the type of sampling done for each datapoint or client in the DP procedure.

This is either Poisson sampling with a sampling rate specified or Fixed ratio sampling with a fixed number of selections performed over a specified population size. For non-FL DP-SGD: This is the ratio of batch size to dataset size (L/N, from Deep Learning with Differential Privacy). For FL with client-side DP-SGD (no noise on server side, instance level privacy): This is the ratio of client sampling probability to client data point probability q*(b_k/n_k) For FL with client privacy: This is the sampling of clients from the client population NOTE: If a sequence of strategies is given, they must be all of the same kind (that is poisson or subset, but may have different parameters)

Noise multiplier: Ratio of the noise standard deviation to clipping bound (sigma in Deep Learning with

Differential Privacy, z in some other implementations).

Updates: This is the number of noise applications to the update weights.

For non-FL DP-SGD: This is the number of updates run (epochs*batches per epoch) For FL w/ client-side DP-SGD (instance DP): This is the number of batches run per client (if selected every time), server_updates*epochs per server update*batches per epoch For FL with client privacy: Number of server updates

epsilon: This is the epsilon in (epsilon, delta)-Privacy, that we require.

get_epsilon(sampling_strategies, noise_multiplier, updates, delta)[source]
Return type:


If the parameters are lists, then it is assumed that the training applied the parameters in a sequence of updates.

Ex. sampling_strategies = [PoissonSampling(q_1), PoissonSampling(q_2)], noise_multiplier = [z_1, z_2], updates = [t_1, t_2] implies that q_1, z_1 were applied for t_1 updates, followed by q_2, z_2 for t_2 updates.

Sampling_strategies: Are the type of sampling done for each datapoint or client in the DP procedure.

This is either Poisson sampling with a sampling rate specified or Fixed ratio sampling with a fixed number of selections performed over a specified population size. For non-FL DP-SGD: This is the ratio of batch size to dataset size (L/N, from Deep Learning with Differential Privacy). For FL with client-side DP-SGD (no noise on server side, instance level privacy): This is the ratio of client sampling probability to client data point probability q*(b_k/n_k) For FL with client privacy: This is the sampling of clients from the client population NOTE: If a sequence of strategies is given, they must be all of the same kind (that is poisson or subset, but may have different parameters)

Noise multiplier: Ratio of the noise standard deviation to clipping bound (sigma in Deep Learning with

Differential Privacy, z in some other implementations).

Updates: This is the number of noise applications to the update weights.

For non-FL DP-SGD: This is the number of updates run (epochs*batches per epoch) For FL w/ client-side DP-SGD (instance DP): This is the number of batches run per client (if selected every time), server_updates*epochs per server update*batches per epoch For FL with client privacy: Number of server updates

Delta: This is the delta in (epsilon, delta)-Privacy, that we require.

class PoissonSampling(sampling_ratio)[source]

Bases: SamplingStrategy

Return type:


class SamplingStrategy(neighbor_relation)[source]

Bases: ABC

abstract get_dp_event(noise_event)[source]
Return type:
