fl4health.utils.partitioners module¶
- class DirichletLabelBasedAllocation(number_of_partitions, unique_labels, min_label_examples=None, beta=None, prior_distribution=None)[source]¶
]- __init__(number_of_partitions, unique_labels, min_label_examples=None, beta=None, prior_distribution=None)[source]¶
The class supports partitioning of a dataset into a set of datasets (of the same type) via Dirichlet allocation. That is, for each label, a Dirichlet distribution is constructed using beta across a requested number of partitions. Data associated with the label are then assigned to each partition according to the distribution. Another distribution is sampled for the next label, and so on.
NOTE: This differs in kind from label-based Dirichlet sampling. There, an existing dataset is subsampled in place (rather than partitioned) such that its labels match a Dirichlet distribution.
NOTE: The range for beta is (0, \(\infty\)). The larger the value of beta, the more uniform the multinomial probability of the clients will be. The smaller beta is the more heterogeneous it is.
np.random.dirichlet([1]*5): array([0.23645891, 0.08857052, 0.29519184, 0.2999956 , 0.07978313])
np.random.dirichlet([1000]*5): array([0.2066252 , 0.19644968, 0.20080513, 0.19992536, 0.19619462])
Example Usage:
original_dataset = SyntheticDataset( torch.rand((10000, 3, 3)), torch.randint(low=0, high=10, size=(10000, 1)) ) heterogeneous_partitioner = DirichletLabelBasedAllocation( number_of_partitions=10, unique_labels=list(range(10)), beta=10.0, min_label_examples=2 ) partitioned_datasets = heterogeneous_partitioner.partition_dataset(original_dataset, max_retries=5)
- Parameters:
number_of_partitions (int) – Number of new datasets that we want to break the current dataset into
unique_labels (list[T]) – This is the set of labels through which we’ll iterate to perform allocation
min_label_examples (int | None, optional) –
This is an optional input if you want to ensure a minimum number of labels is present on each partition. If prior distribution is provided, this is ignored.
NOTE: This does not guarantee feasibility. That is, if you have a very small beta and request a large minimum number here, you are unlikely to satisfy this request. In partitioning, if the minimum isn’t satisfied, we resample from the Dirichlet distribution. This is repeated some limited number of times. Otherwise the partitioner “gives up”.
Defaults to None.
beta (float | None) – This controls the heterogeneity of the partition allocations. The smaller the beta, the more skewed the label assignments will be to different clients. It is mutually exclusive with given prior distribution.
prior_distribution (dict[T, np.ndarray] | None, optional) – This is an optional input if you want to provide a prior distribution for the Dirichlet distribution. This is useful if you want to make sure that the partitioning of test data is similar to the partitioning of the training data. Defaults to None. It is mutually exclusive with the beta parameter and
- partition_dataset(original_dataset, max_retries=5)[source]¶
Attempts partitioning of the original dataset up to
times. Retries are potentially required if the user requests a minimum number of labels be assigned to each of the partitions. If the drawn Dirichlet distribution violates this minimum, a new distribution is drawn. This is repeated until the number of retries is exceeded or the minimum threshold is met.- Parameters:
original_dataset (D) – The dataset to be partitioned
max_retries (int | None, optional) – Number of times to attempt to satisfy a user provided minimum label-associated data points per partition. Set this value to None if you want to retry indefinitely. Defaults to 5.
- Raises:
ValueError – Throws this error if the retries have been exhausted and the user provided minimum is not met.
- Returns:
is the partitioned datasets, length should correspond toself.number_of_partitions
.dict[T, np.ndarray]
is the Dirichlet distribution used to partition the data points for each label.- Return type:
- partition_label_indices(label, label_indices)[source]¶
Given a set of indices from the dataset corresponding to a particular label, the indices are allocated using a Dirichlet distribution, to the partitions.
- Parameters:
label (T) – Label is passed for logging transparency. It must be convertible to a string through
label_indices (torch.Tensor) – Indices from the dataset corresponding to a particular label. This assumes that the tensor is 1D and it’s len constitutes the number of total datapoints with the label.
- Raises:
ValueError – Either beta or a prior distribution must be provided.
- Returns:
Tuple of:
: partitioned indices of datapoints with the corresponding label.int
: The minimum number of data points assigned to a partition.np.ndarray
: The Dirichlet distribution used to partition the data points.
- Return type: