import math
from functools import partial
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from flwr.common.typing import NDArray, NDArrays
from scipy.stats import bernoulli
from torch import Tensor
from fl4health.model_bases.masked_layers.masked_layers_utils import is_masked_module
from fl4health.utils.typing import LayerSelectionFunction
class LayerSelectionFunctionConstructor:
def __init__(
self, norm_threshold: float, exchange_percentage: float, normalize: bool = True, select_drift_more: bool = True
) -> None:
This class leverages ``functools.partial`` to construct layer selection functions, which are meant to be used
by the ``DynamicLayerExchanger`` class.
norm_threshold (float): A nonnegative real number used to select those layers whose drift in l2 norm
exceeds (or falls short of) it.
exchange_percentage (float): Indicates the percentage of layers that are selected.
normalize (bool, optional): Indicates whether when calculating the norm of a layer, we also divide by the
number of parameters in that layer. Defaults to True.
select_drift_more (bool, optional): Indicates whether layers with larger drift norm are selected.
Defaults to True.
assert 0 < exchange_percentage <= 1
assert 0 < norm_threshold
self.norm_threshold = norm_threshold
self.exchange_percentage = exchange_percentage
self.normalize = normalize
self.select_drift_more = select_drift_more
def select_by_threshold(self) -> LayerSelectionFunction:
return partial(
def select_by_percentage(self) -> LayerSelectionFunction:
return partial(
def _calculate_drift_norm(t1: torch.Tensor, t2: torch.Tensor, normalize: bool) -> float:
Selection criteria functions for selecting entire layers. Intended to be used by the ``DynamicLayerExchanger``
class via the ``LayerSelectionFunctionConstructor`` class.
t1 (torch.Tensor): First tensor
t2 (torch.Tensor): Second tensor
normalize (bool): Whether to divide the difference between the tensors by their number of elements.
float: _description_
t_diff = (t1 - t2).float()
drift_norm = torch.linalg.norm(t_diff)
if normalize:
drift_norm /= torch.numel(t_diff)
return drift_norm.item()
def select_layers_by_threshold(
threshold: float,
normalize: bool,
select_drift_more: bool,
model: nn.Module,
initial_model: nn.Module,
) -> tuple[NDArrays, list[str]]:
Return those layers of model that deviate (in l2 norm) away from corresponding layers of ``self.initial_model``
by at least (or at most) ``self.threshold``.
threshold (float): Drift threshold to be used for selection. It is an fixed value.
normalize (bool): Whether to divide the difference between the tensors by their number of elements.
select_drift_more (bool): Whether we are selecting parameters that have drifted further (True) or less far
from their comparison values
model (nn.Module): Model after training/modification
initial_model (nn.Module): Model that we started with to which we are comparing parameters.
tuple[NDArrays, list[str]]: Layers selected by the process and their corresponding names in the model's
layer_names = []
layers_to_transfer = []
initial_model_states = initial_model.state_dict()
model_states = model.state_dict()
for layer_name, layer_param in model_states.items():
ghost_of_layer_params_past = initial_model_states[layer_name]
drift_norm = _calculate_drift_norm(layer_param, ghost_of_layer_params_past, normalize)
if select_drift_more:
if drift_norm > threshold:
if drift_norm <= threshold:
return layers_to_transfer, layer_names
def select_layers_by_percentage(
exchange_percentage: float,
normalize: bool,
select_drift_more: bool,
model: nn.Module,
initial_model: nn.Module,
) -> tuple[NDArrays, list[str]]:
names_to_norm_drift = {}
initial_model_states = initial_model.state_dict()
model_states = model.state_dict()
for layer_name, layer_param in model_states.items():
layer_param_past = initial_model_states[layer_name]
drift_norm = _calculate_drift_norm(layer_param, layer_param_past, normalize)
names_to_norm_drift[layer_name] = drift_norm
total_param_num = len(names_to_norm_drift.keys())
num_param_exchange = int(math.ceil(total_param_num * exchange_percentage))
param_to_exchange_names = sorted(
names_to_norm_drift.keys(), key=lambda x: names_to_norm_drift[x], reverse=select_drift_more
return [model_states[name].cpu().numpy() for name in param_to_exchange_names], param_to_exchange_names
# Score generating functions used for selecting arbitrary sets of weights.
# The ones implemented here are those that demonstrated good performance in the super-mask paper.
# Link to this paper:
def largest_final_magnitude_scores(model: nn.Module, initial_model: nn.Module | None) -> dict[str, Tensor]:
names_to_scores = {}
for tensor_name, tensor_values in model.state_dict().items():
names_to_scores[tensor_name] = torch.abs(tensor_values)
return names_to_scores
def smallest_final_magnitude_scores(model: nn.Module, initial_model: nn.Module | None) -> dict[str, Tensor]:
names_to_scores = {}
for tensor_name, tensor_values in model.state_dict().items():
names_to_scores[tensor_name] = (-1) * torch.abs(tensor_values)
return names_to_scores
def largest_magnitude_change_scores(model: nn.Module, initial_model: nn.Module | None) -> dict[str, Tensor]:
assert initial_model is not None
names_to_scores = {}
current_model_states = model.state_dict()
initial_model_states = initial_model.state_dict()
for tensor_name, current_tensor_values in current_model_states.items():
initial_tensor_values = initial_model_states[tensor_name]
names_to_scores[tensor_name] = torch.abs(current_tensor_values - initial_tensor_values)
return names_to_scores
def smallest_magnitude_change_scores(model: nn.Module, initial_model: nn.Module | None) -> dict[str, Tensor]:
assert initial_model is not None
names_to_scores = {}
current_model_states = model.state_dict()
initial_model_states = initial_model.state_dict()
for tensor_name, current_tensor_values in current_model_states.items():
initial_tensor_values = initial_model_states[tensor_name]
names_to_scores[tensor_name] = (-1) * torch.abs(current_tensor_values - initial_tensor_values)
return names_to_scores
def largest_increase_in_magnitude_scores(model: nn.Module, initial_model: nn.Module | None) -> dict[str, Tensor]:
assert initial_model is not None
names_to_scores = {}
current_model_states = model.state_dict()
initial_model_states = initial_model.state_dict()
for tensor_name, current_tensor_values in current_model_states.items():
initial_tensor_values = initial_model_states[tensor_name]
names_to_scores[tensor_name] = torch.abs(current_tensor_values) - torch.abs(initial_tensor_values)
return names_to_scores
def smallest_increase_in_magnitude_scores(model: nn.Module, initial_model: nn.Module | None) -> dict[str, Tensor]:
assert initial_model is not None
names_to_scores = {}
current_model_states = model.state_dict()
initial_model_states = initial_model.state_dict()
for tensor_name, current_tensor_values in current_model_states.items():
initial_tensor_values = initial_model_states[tensor_name]
names_to_scores[tensor_name] = (-1) * (torch.abs(current_tensor_values) - torch.abs(initial_tensor_values))
return names_to_scores
# Helper functions for select_scores_and_sample_masks
def _sample_masks(score_tensor: Tensor) -> NDArray:
bernoulli_probabilities = torch.sigmoid(score_tensor).cpu().numpy()
# Perform Bernoulli sampling.
binary_mask = bernoulli.rvs(bernoulli_probabilities)
return binary_mask
def _process_masked_module(
module: nn.Module, model_state_dict: dict[str, Tensor], module_name: str | None = None
) -> tuple[NDArrays, list[str]]:
Perform Bernoulli sampling using the weight and bias scores of a masked module.
module (nn.Module): the module upon which operations described above are performed. "module" can either be a
submodule of the model trained in FedPM, or it can a standalone module itself. In the latter case,
the argument ``model_state_dict`` should be the same as ``module.state_dict()``. In either case, it is
assumed that module is a masked module.
model_state_dict (dict[str, Tensor]): the state dictionary of the model trained in FedPM.
module_name (str | None): the name of module if module is a submodule of the model trained in FedPM.
This is used to access the weight and bias score tensors in ``model_state_dict``. Defaults to None.
masks_to_exchange = []
score_tensor_names = []
# If module_name is passed in, then we prepend it to "weight_scores" to get the correct
# key in the state dictionary.
weight_scores_tensor_name = f"{module_name}.weight_scores" if module_name else "weight_scores"
weight_scores = model_state_dict[weight_scores_tensor_name]
# Note: due to the Bernoulli sampling performed here, the parameters selected are in fact binary masks
# even though their corresponding names are something like "weight_scores" or "bias_scores".
# After the tensors have been aggregated by the strategy, they will become score tensors again.
# This misalignment was allowed because these parameter names will later be used to load the model anyway.
# Do the same thing with bias_scores if it exists
if "bias_scores" in module.state_dict().keys():
bias_scores_tensor_name = f"{module_name}.bias_scores" if module_name else "bias_scores"
bias_scores = model_state_dict[bias_scores_tensor_name]
return masks_to_exchange, score_tensor_names
def select_scores_and_sample_masks(model: nn.Module, initial_model: nn.Module | None) -> tuple[NDArrays, list[str]]:
Selection function that first selects the ``weight_scores`` and ``bias_scores`` parameters for the masked layers,
and then samples binary masks based on those scores to send to the server. This function is meant to be used for
the FedPM algorithm.
**NOTE:** in the current implementation, we always exchange the score tensors for all layers. In the future, we
might support exchanging a subset of the layers (for example, filtering out the masks that are all zeros).
model_states = model.state_dict()
with torch.no_grad():
if is_masked_module(model):
return _process_masked_module(module=model, model_state_dict=model_states)
masks_to_exchange = []
score_tensor_names = []
for name, module in model.named_modules():
if is_masked_module(module):
module_masks, module_score_tensor_names = _process_masked_module(
module=module, model_state_dict=model_states, module_name=name
return masks_to_exchange, score_tensor_names