Source code for fl4health.utils.snapshotter

from __future__ import annotations

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Generic, TypeVar

import torch.nn as nn
from torch.optim import Optimizer
from torch.optim.lr_scheduler import LRScheduler

    from fl4health.clients.basic_client import BasicClient

from fl4health.reporting.reports_manager import ReportsManager
from fl4health.utils.losses import LossMeter
from fl4health.utils.metrics import MetricManager

T = TypeVar("T")

[docs] class AbstractSnapshotter(ABC, Generic[T]):
[docs] def __init__(self, client: BasicClient) -> None: """ Abstract class for saving and loading the state of the client's attributes. Args: client (BasicClient): The client to be monitored. """ self.client = client
[docs] def dict_wrap_attr(self, name: str, expected_type: type[T]) -> dict[str, T]: """ Wrap the attribute in a dictionary if it is not already a dictionary. Args: name (str): Name of the attribute. expected_type (type[T]): Expected type of the attribute. Returns: dict[str, T]: Wrapped attribute as a dictionary. """ attribute = getattr(self.client, name) if isinstance(attribute, expected_type): return {"None": attribute} elif isinstance(attribute, dict): for key, value in attribute.items(): if not isinstance(value, expected_type): raise ValueError(f"Incompatible type of attribute {type(attribute)} for key {key}") return attribute else: raise ValueError(f"Incompatible type of attribute {type(attribute)}")
[docs] def save(self, name: str, expected_type: type[T]) -> dict[str, Any]: """ Save the state of the attribute. Args: name (str): Name of the attribute. expected_type (type[T]): Expected type of the attribute. Returns: dict[str, Any]: A dictionary containing the state of the attribute. """ attribute = self.dict_wrap_attr(name, expected_type) return {name: self.save_attribute(attribute)}
[docs] def load(self, snapshot: dict[str, Any], name: str, expected_type: type[T]) -> None: """ Load the state of the attribute to the client. Args: snapshot (dict[str, Any]): Snapshot containing the state of the attribute. name (str): Name of the attribute. expected_type (type[T]): Expected type of the attribute. """ attribute = self.dict_wrap_attr(name, expected_type) self.load_attribute(snapshot[name], attribute) if list(attribute.keys()) == ["None"]: setattr(self.client, name, attribute["None"]) else: setattr(self.client, name, attribute)
[docs] @abstractmethod def save_attribute(self, attribute: dict[str, T]) -> dict[str, Any]: """ Abstract method to save the state of the attribute. This method should be implemented based on the type of the attribute and the way it should be saved. Args: attribute (dict[str, T]): The attribute to be saved. Returns: dict[str, Any]: A dictionary containing the state of the attribute. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def load_attribute(self, attribute_snapshot: dict[str, Any], attribute: dict[str, T]) -> None: """ Abstract method to load the state of the attribute. This method should be implemented based on the type of the attribute and the way it should be loaded. Args: attribute_snapshot (dict[str, Any]): The snapshot containing the state of the attribute. attribute (dict[str, T]): The attribute to be loaded. """
[docs] class OptimizerSnapshotter(AbstractSnapshotter[Optimizer]):
[docs] def save_attribute(self, attribute: dict[str, Optimizer]) -> dict[str, Any]: """ Save the state of the optimizers by saving "state" attribute of the optimizer. Args: attribute (dict[str, Optimizer]): The optimizers to be saved. Returns: dict[str, Any]: A dictionary containing the state of the optimizers. """ output = {} for key, optimizer in attribute.items(): output[key] = optimizer.state_dict()["state"] return output
[docs] def load_attribute(self, attribute_snapshot: dict[str, Any], attribute: dict[str, Optimizer]) -> None: """ Load the state of the optimizers by loading "state" attribute of the optimizer Args: attribute_snapshot (dict[str, Any]): The snapshot containing the state of the optimizers. attribute (dict[str, Optimizer]): The optimizers to be loaded. """ for key, optimizer in attribute.items(): optimizer_state_dict = optimizer.state_dict() optimizer_state_dict["state"] = attribute_snapshot[key] optimizer.load_state_dict(optimizer_state_dict)
[docs] class LRSchedulerSnapshotter(AbstractSnapshotter[LRScheduler]):
[docs] def save_attribute(self, attribute: dict[str, LRScheduler]) -> dict[str, Any]: """ Save the state of the learning rate schedulers. Args: attribute (dict[str, LRScheduler]): The learning rate schedulers to be saved. Returns: dict[str, Any]: A dictionary containing the state of the learning rate schedulers. """ output = {} for key, lr_scheduler in attribute.items(): output[key] = lr_scheduler.state_dict() return output
[docs] def load_attribute(self, attribute_snapshot: dict[str, Any], attribute: dict[str, LRScheduler]) -> None: """ Load the state of the learning rate schedulers. Args: attribute_snapshot (dict[str, Any]): The snapshot containing the state of the learning rate schedulers. attribute (dict[str, LRScheduler]): The learning rate schedulers to be loaded. """ for key, lr_scheduler in attribute.items(): lr_scheduler.load_state_dict(attribute_snapshot[key])
[docs] class TorchModuleSnapshotter(AbstractSnapshotter[nn.Module]):
[docs] def save_attribute(self, attribute: dict[str, nn.Module]) -> dict[str, Any]: """ Save the state of the ``nn.Modules``. Args: attribute (dict[str, nn.Module]): The ``nn.Modules`` to be saved. Returns: dict[str, Any]: A dictionary containing the state of the ``nn.Modules``. """ output = {} for key, model in attribute.items(): output[key] = model.state_dict() return output
[docs] def load_attribute(self, attribute_snapshot: dict[str, Any], attribute: dict[str, nn.Module]) -> None: """ Load the state of the ``nn.Modules``. Args: attribute_snapshot (dict[str, Any]): The snapshot containing the state of the ``nn.Modules``. attribute (dict[str, nn.Module]): The ``nn.Modules`` to be loaded """ for key, model in attribute.items(): model.load_state_dict(attribute_snapshot[key])
[docs] class SerializableObjectSnapshotter(AbstractSnapshotter[MetricManager | LossMeter | ReportsManager]):
[docs] def save_attribute(self, attribute: dict[str, MetricManager | LossMeter | ReportsManager]) -> dict[str, Any]: """ Save the state of the serializable objects (either single or dictionary of them). Args: attribute (dict[str, MetricManager | LossMeter | ReportsManager]): The serializable objects to be saved. Returns: dict[str, Any]: A dictionary containing the state of the serializable objects. """ return attribute
[docs] def load_attribute( self, attribute_snapshot: dict[str, Any], attribute: dict[str, MetricManager | LossMeter | ReportsManager] ) -> None: """ Load the state of the serializable objects (either single or dictionary of them). Args: attribute_snapshot (dict[str, Any]): The snapshot containing the state of the serializable objects. attribute (dict[str, MetricManager | LossMeter | ReportsManager]): The serializable objects to be loaded """ for key in attribute: attribute[key] = attribute_snapshot[key]
[docs] class NumberSnapshotter(AbstractSnapshotter[int | float]):
[docs] def save_attribute(self, attribute: dict[str, int | float]) -> dict[str, Any]: """ Save the state of the numbers (either single or dictionary of them). Args: attribute (dict[str, int | float]): The numbers to be saved. Returns: dict[str, Any]: A dictionary containing the state of the numbers. """ return attribute
[docs] def load_attribute(self, attribute_snapshot: dict[str, Any], attribute: dict[str, int | float]) -> None: """ Load the state of the numbers (either single or dictionary of them). Args: attribute_snapshot (dict[str, Any]): The snapshot containing the state of the numbers. attribute (dict[str, int | float]): The numbers to be loaded """ for key in attribute: attribute[key] = attribute_snapshot[key]