Source code for fl4health.utils.sampler

import math
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from import Set
from logging import INFO, WARN
from typing import Any, TypeVar

import numpy as np
import torch
from flwr.common.logger import log

from fl4health.utils.dataset import DictionaryDataset, TensorDataset, select_by_indices

T = TypeVar("T")
D = TypeVar("D", bound=TensorDataset | DictionaryDataset)

[docs] class LabelBasedSampler(ABC):
[docs] def __init__(self, unique_labels: list[Any]) -> None: """ This is an abstract class to be extended to create dataset samplers based on the class of samples. Args: unique_labels (list[Any]): The full set of labels contained in the dataset. """ self.unique_labels = unique_labels self.num_classes = len(self.unique_labels)
[docs] @abstractmethod def subsample(self, dataset: D) -> D: raise NotImplementedError
[docs] class MinorityLabelBasedSampler(LabelBasedSampler):
[docs] def __init__(self, unique_labels: list[T], downsampling_ratio: float, minority_labels: Set[T]) -> None: """ This class is used to subsample a dataset so the classes are distributed in a non-IID way. In particular, the MinorityLabelBasedSampler explicitly downsamples classes based on the downsampling_ratio and minority_labels args used to construct the object. Subsampling a dataset is accomplished by calling the subsample method and passing a BaseDataset object. This will return the resulting subsampled dataset. Args: unique_labels (list[T]): The full set of labels contained in the dataset. downsampling_ratio (float): The percentage to which the specified "minority" labels are downsampled. For example, if a label L has 10 examples and the downsampling_ratio is 0.2, then 8 of the datapoints with label L are discarded. minority_labels (Set[T]): The labels subject to downsampling. """ super().__init__(unique_labels) self.downsampling_ratio = downsampling_ratio self.minority_labels = minority_labels
[docs] def subsample(self, dataset: D) -> D: """ Returns a new dataset where samples part of minority_labels are downsampled Args: dataset (D): Dataset to be modified, through downsampling on specified labels. Returns: D: New dataset with downsampled labels. """ assert dataset.targets is not None, "A label-based sampler requires targets but this dataset has no targets" selected_indices_list: list[torch.Tensor] = [] for label in self.unique_labels: # Get indices of samples equal to the current label indices_of_label = (dataset.targets == label).nonzero() if label in self.minority_labels: subsample_size = int(indices_of_label.shape[0] * self.downsampling_ratio) subsampled_indices = self._get_random_subsample(indices_of_label, subsample_size) selected_indices_list.append(subsampled_indices.squeeze()) else: selected_indices_list.append(indices_of_label.squeeze()) selected_indices =, dim=0) return select_by_indices(dataset, selected_indices)
def _get_random_subsample(self, tensor_to_subsample: torch.Tensor, subsample_size: int) -> torch.Tensor: """ Given a tensor a new tensor is created by selecting a set of rows from the original tensor of size subsample_size Args: tensor_to_subsample (torch.Tensor): Tensor to be subsampled. Assumes that we're subsampling rows of the tensor subsample_size (int): How many rows we want to extract from the tensor. Returns: torch.Tensor: New tensor with subsampled rows """ # NOTE: Assumes subsampling on rows tensor_size = tensor_to_subsample.shape[0] assert subsample_size < tensor_size permutation = torch.randperm(tensor_size) return tensor_to_subsample[permutation[:subsample_size]]
[docs] class DirichletLabelBasedSampler(LabelBasedSampler):
[docs] def __init__( self, unique_labels: list[Any], hash_key: int | None = None, sample_percentage: float = 0.5, beta: float = 100, ) -> None: """ class used to subsample a dataset so the classes of samples are distributed in a non-IID way. In particular, the DirichletLabelBasedSampler uses a dirichlet distribution to determine the number of samples from each class. The sampler is constructed by passing a beta parameter that determines the level of heterogeneity and a sample_percentage that determines the relative size of the modified dataset. Subsampling a dataset is accomplished by calling the subsample method and passing a BaseDataset object. This will return the resulting subsampled dataset. NOTE: The range for beta is (0, infinity). The larger the value of beta, the more evenly the multinomial probability of the labels will be. The smaller beta is the more heterogeneous it is. np.random.dirichlet([1]*5): array([0.23645891, 0.08857052, 0.29519184, 0.2999956 , 0.07978313]) np.random.dirichlet([1000]*5): array([0.2066252 , 0.19644968, 0.20080513, 0.19992536, 0.19619462]) Args: unique_labels (list[Any]): The full set of labels contained in the dataset. sample_percentage (float, optional): The downsampling of the entire dataset to do. For example, if this value is 0.5 and the dataset is of size 100, we will end up with 50 total data points. Defaults to 0.5. beta (float, optional): This controls the heterogeneity of the label sampling. The smaller the beta, the more skewed the label assignments will be for the dataset. Defaults to 100. hash_key (int | None, optional): Seed for the random number generators and samplers. Defaults to None. """ super().__init__(unique_labels) self.hash_key = hash_key self.torch_generator = None if self.hash_key is not None: log(INFO, f"Setting seed to {self.hash_key} for the Torch and Numpy Generators") log(WARN, "Note that setting a hash key here will override any torch and numpy seeds that you have set") self.torch_generator = torch.Generator().manual_seed(self.hash_key) np_generator = np.random.default_rng(self.hash_key) self.probabilities = np_generator.dirichlet(np.repeat(beta, self.num_classes)) else: self.probabilities = np.random.dirichlet(np.repeat(beta, self.num_classes)) log(INFO, f"Setting probabilities to {self.probabilities}") self.sample_percentage = sample_percentage
[docs] def subsample(self, dataset: D) -> D: """ Returns a new dataset where samples are selected based on a dirichlet distribution over labels Args: dataset (D): Dataset to be modified, through downsampling on specified labels. Returns: D: New dataset with downsampled labels. """ assert dataset.targets is not None, "A label-based sampler requires targets but this dataset has no targets" assert self.sample_percentage <= 1.0 total_num_samples = int(len(dataset) * self.sample_percentage) targets = dataset.targets class_idx_list = [torch.where(targets == target)[0].float() for target in self.unique_labels] num_samples_per_class = [math.ceil(prob * total_num_samples) for prob in self.probabilities] # For each class sample the given number of samples from the class specific indices # torch.multinomial is used to uniformly sample indices the size of given number of samples sampled_class_idx_list = [ class_idx[ torch.multinomial( torch.ones(class_idx.size(0)), num_samples, replacement=True, generator=self.torch_generator ) ] for class_idx, num_samples in zip(class_idx_list, num_samples_per_class) ] selected_indices =, dim=0).long() # Due to precision errors with previous rounding, sum of sample counts # may differ from total_num_samples so we resample to ensure correct count selected_indices = selected_indices[:total_num_samples] return select_by_indices(dataset, selected_indices)