from import Callable
from functools import partial
import torch
from fl4health.utils.dataset import TensorDataset
class DatasetConverter(TensorDataset):
def __init__(
converter_function: Callable[[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor], tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]],
dataset: TensorDataset | None,
) -> None:
Dataset converter classes are designed to re-format any dataset for a given training task, and to fit it
into the unified training scheme of supervised learning in clients. Converters can be used in the data
loading step. They can also apply a light pre-processing step on datasets before the training process.
converter_function (Callable[[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor], tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]]): Function
defining how the dataset should be converted
dataset (TensorDataset | None): Dataset to be converted.
assert dataset is None or dataset.targets is not None
self.converter_function = converter_function
self.dataset = dataset
def __getitem__(self, index: int) -> tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]:
# Overriding this function from BaseDataset allows the converter to be compatible with the data transformers.
# converter_function is applied after the transformers.
assert self.dataset is not None, "Error: no dataset is set, use convert_dataset(your_dataset: TensorDataset)"
data, target = self.dataset.__getitem__(index)
return self.converter_function(data, target)
def __len__(self) -> int:
assert self.dataset is not None, "Error: dataset is should be either converted or initiated."
return len(self.dataset)
def convert_dataset(self, dataset: TensorDataset) -> TensorDataset:
"""Applies the converter function over the dataset when the dataset is used
(i.e. during the dataloader creation step)."""
# Dataset can be added/changed at any point in the pipeline.
self.dataset = dataset
# Returning this object as the converted dataset since this class overrides
# the __getitem__ function of BaseDataset.
return self
class AutoEncoderDatasetConverter(DatasetConverter):
def __init__(
condition: str | torch.Tensor | None = None,
do_one_hot_encoding: bool = False,
custom_converter_function: Callable | None = None,
condition_vector_size: int | None = None,
) -> None:
A dataset converter specific to formatting supervised data such as MNIST for self-supervised training in
autoencoder-based models, and potentially handling the existence of additional input i.e. condition.
This class includes three converter functions that are chosen based on the condition,
other converter functions can be added or passed to support other conditions.
condition (str | torch.Tensor | None): Could be a fixed tensor used for all the data samples,
None for non-conditional models, or a name (str) passed for other custom conversions like "label".
do_one_hot_encoding (bool, optional): Should converter perform one hot encoding on the condition or not.
custom_converter_function (Callable | None, optional): User can define a new converter function.
self.condition = condition
if isinstance(self.condition, torch.Tensor):
# Condition should be a ready to use 1D tensor set in the client.
assert (
self.condition.dim() == 1
), f"Error: condition should be a 1D vector instead of {self.condition.dim()}D tensor."
# Will be set in convert_dataset.
self.data_shape: torch.Size
self.do_one_hot_encoding = do_one_hot_encoding
# If no converter function is passed, it should be defined here.
if custom_converter_function is None:
self.converter_function = self._setup_converter_function()
self.converter_function = custom_converter_function
assert (
condition_vector_size is not None
), "Error: The condition should be specified for a custom converter function."
self.condition_vector_size = condition_vector_size
super().__init__(self.converter_function, dataset=None)
def convert_dataset(self, dataset: TensorDataset) -> TensorDataset:
assert dataset.targets is not None
self.dataset = dataset
# Data shape is saved to be used in the pack-unpack process.
# This is the shape of the data after getting transformed by torch transforms.
data, _ = self.dataset[0]
self.data_shape = data.shape
return self
def get_condition_vector_size(self) -> int:
if self.condition == "label":
assert self.dataset is not None, "Error: no dataset is passed to the converter."
assert self.dataset.targets is not None
if self.do_one_hot_encoding:
return len(torch.unique(self.dataset.targets))
return len(self.dataset.targets[0])
elif isinstance(self.condition, torch.Tensor):
return self.condition.size(0)
elif self.condition_vector_size is not None:
return self.condition_vector_size
elif self.condition is None:
return 0
raise NotImplementedError("Error: support for this type of condition is not added to the data converter.")
def _setup_converter_function(self) -> Callable:
Sets the converter function for autoencoder based models (if it is not already specified by the user).
If condition is not None, the respective converter function accounts for the type of
condition and handles the concatenation.
Callable: The suitable converter function based on the condition.
# If the autoencoder is conditional
if self.condition is not None:
if self.condition == "label":
# Condition depends on the target.
converter_function = self._cat_input_label
elif isinstance(self.condition, torch.Tensor):
converter_function = self._cat_input_condition
raise NotImplementedError("Error: support for this type of condition is not added.")
elif self.condition is None: # non-conditional autoencoder
converter_function = self._only_replace_target_with_data
return converter_function
def _only_replace_target_with_data(
self, data: torch.Tensor, target: torch.Tensor | None
) -> tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]:
"""The data converter function used for simple autoencoders or variational autoencoders."""
# Target in self-supervised training for autoencoder is the data.
return data, data
def _cat_input_condition(
self, data: torch.Tensor, target: torch.Tensor | None
) -> tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]:
The data converter function used for conditional autoencoders.
This converter is used when we have a torch tensor as condition for all the data samples.
# We can flatten the data since self.data_shape is already saved.
# Target should be the original data.
assert isinstance(self.condition, torch.Tensor), "Error: condition should be a torch tensor"
return[data.view(-1), self.condition]), data
def _cat_input_label(self, data: torch.Tensor, target: torch.Tensor) -> tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]:
The data converter function used for conditional autoencoders.
This converter is used when we want to condition each data sample on its label.
if self.do_one_hot_encoding: # If condition needs to be one-hot encoded.
# Create the condition vector by getting the one_hot encoded target.
target = torch.nn.functional.one_hot(target, num_classes=self.get_condition_vector_size())
# Concatenate the data and target (target is the condition)
# We can flatten the data since self.data_shape is already saved.
return[data.view(-1), target]), data
def get_unpacking_function(self) -> Callable[[torch.Tensor], tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]]:
condition_vector_size = self.get_condition_vector_size()
return partial(