from functools import reduce
import numpy as np
from flwr.common import NDArray, NDArrays
def add_noise_to_array(layer: NDArray, noise_std_dev: float, denominator: int) -> NDArray:
For a given numpy array, this adds centered gaussian noise with a provided standard deviation to each element of
the provided array. This noise is normalized by some value, as given in the denominator.
layer (NDArray): The numpy array to have element-wise noise added to it.
noise_std_dev (float): The standard deviation of the centered gaussian noise to be added to each element
denominator (int): Normalization value for scaling down the values in the array.
NDArray: The element-wise noised array, scaled by the denominator value.
layer_noise = np.random.normal(0.0, noise_std_dev, layer.shape)
return (1.0 / denominator) * (layer + layer_noise)
def add_noise_to_ndarrays(client_model_updates: list[NDArrays], sigma: float, n_clients: int) -> NDArrays:
This function adds centered Gaussian noise (with standard deviation sigma) to the uniform average of the list
of the numpy arrays provided.
client_model_updates (list[NDArrays]): List of lists of numpy arrays. Each member of the list represents a
set of numpy arrays, each of which should be averaged element-wise with the corresponding array from the
other lists. These will have centered Gaussian noise added.
sigma (float): The standard deviation of the centered Gaussian noise to be added to each element.
n_clients (int): The number of arrays in the average. This should be the same as the size of
``client_model_updates`` in almost all cases.
NDArrays: Average of the centered Gaussian noised arrays.
layer_sums: NDArrays = [
add_noise_to_array(reduce(np.add, layer_updates), sigma, n_clients)
for layer_updates in zip(*client_model_updates)
return layer_sums
def gaussian_noisy_unweighted_aggregate(
results: list[tuple[NDArrays, int]], noise_multiplier: float, clipping_bound: float
) -> NDArrays:
Compute unweighted average of weights. Apply Gaussian noise to the sum of these weights prior to normalizing.
results (list[tuple[NDArrays, int]]): List of tuples containing the model updates and the number of samples
for each client.
noise_multiplier (float): The multiplier on the clipping bound to determine the std of noise applied to weight
clipping_bound (float): The clipping bound applied to client model updates.
NDArrays: Model update for a given round.
n_clients = len(results)
# dropping number of data points component
client_model_updates = [ndarrays for ndarrays, _ in results]
sigma = noise_multiplier * clipping_bound
layer_sums = add_noise_to_ndarrays(client_model_updates, sigma, n_clients)
return layer_sums
def gaussian_noisy_weighted_aggregate(
results: list[tuple[NDArrays, int]],
noise_multiplier: float,
clipping_bound: float,
fraction_fit: float,
per_client_example_cap: float,
total_client_weight: float,
) -> NDArrays:
Compute weighted average of weights. Apply Gaussian noise to the sum of these weights prior to normalizing.
Weighted Implementation based on
results (list[tuple[NDArrays, int]]): List of tuples containing the model updates and the number of samples
for each client.
noise_multiplier (float): The multiplier on the clipping bound to determine the std of noise applied to weight
clipping_bound (float): The clipping bound applied to client model updates.
fraction_fit (float): Fraction of clients sampled each round.
per_client_example_cap (float): The maximum number samples per client.
total_client_weight (float): The total client weight across samples.
NDArrays: Noised model update for a given round.
n_clients = len(results)
client_model_updates: list[NDArrays] = []
client_n_points: list[int] = []
for weights, n_points in results:
# Calculate coefficients (w_k) by taking the minimum of the sample counts divided by example cap and 1
client_coefficients = [min((n_points / per_client_example_cap, 1.0)) for n_points in client_n_points]
# Scale coefficients by total expected client weight
client_coefficients_scaled = [coef / (fraction_fit * total_client_weight) for coef in client_coefficients]
# Scale updates by coef for each client
client_model_updates = [
[layer_update * client_coef for layer_update in client_model_update]
for client_model_update, client_coef in zip(client_model_updates, client_coefficients_scaled)
] # Calculate model updates as linear combination of updates
# Update clipping bound as max(w_k) * clipping bound
# We only require w_k * update is bounded
# Refer to the footnote on page 4 in
updated_clipping_bound = clipping_bound * max(client_coefficients)
sigma = (noise_multiplier * updated_clipping_bound) / fraction_fit
layer_sums = add_noise_to_ndarrays(client_model_updates, sigma, n_clients)
return layer_sums
def gaussian_noisy_aggregate_clipping_bits(bits: NDArrays, noise_std_dev: float) -> float:
Computes the noisy aggregate of the clipping bits returned by each client as a list of numpy arrays. Note that each
array should only have a single bit value. This returns the noisy unweighted average of these bits. The noise is
centered Gaussian.
bits (NDArrays): Clipping bit returned by each client.
noise_std_dev (float): The standard deviation of the centered Gaussian noise applied to the bits.
float: The uniformly averaged noisy bit.
n_clients = len(bits)
bit_sum = reduce(np.add, bits)
# This should be "shapeless" since each client returns a single bit as a numpy array.
assert bit_sum.shape == ()
noised_bit_sum = add_noise_to_array(bit_sum, noise_std_dev, n_clients)
return float(noised_bit_sum)