from collections import defaultdict
from import Callable
from functools import reduce
from logging import WARNING
import numpy as np
from flwr.common import MetricsAggregationFn, NDArray, NDArrays, Parameters, ndarrays_to_parameters
from flwr.common.logger import log
from flwr.common.typing import FitRes, Scalar
from flwr.server.client_proxy import ClientProxy
from fl4health.parameter_exchange.parameter_packer import ParameterPackerWithLayerNames
from fl4health.strategies.basic_fedavg import BasicFedAvg
from fl4health.utils.functions import decode_and_pseudo_sort_results
class FedAvgDynamicLayer(BasicFedAvg):
def __init__(
fraction_fit: float = 1.0,
fraction_evaluate: float = 1.0,
min_fit_clients: int = 2,
min_evaluate_clients: int = 2,
min_available_clients: int = 2,
evaluate_fn: (
Callable[[int, NDArrays, dict[str, Scalar]], tuple[float, dict[str, Scalar]] | None] | None
) = None,
on_fit_config_fn: Callable[[int], dict[str, Scalar]] | None = None,
on_evaluate_config_fn: Callable[[int], dict[str, Scalar]] | None = None,
accept_failures: bool = True,
initial_parameters: Parameters | None = None,
fit_metrics_aggregation_fn: MetricsAggregationFn | None = None,
evaluate_metrics_aggregation_fn: MetricsAggregationFn | None = None,
weighted_aggregation: bool = True,
weighted_eval_losses: bool = True,
) -> None:
A generalization of the FedAvg strategy where the server can receive any arbitrary subset of the layers from
any arbitrary subset of the clients, and weighted average for each received layer is performed independently.
fraction_fit (float, optional): Fraction of clients used during training. Defaults to 1.0. Defaults to 1.0.
fraction_evaluate (float, optional): Fraction of clients used during validation. Defaults to 1.0.
min_fit_clients (int, optional): Minimum number of clients used during fitting. Defaults to 2.
min_evaluate_clients (int, optional): Minimum number of clients used during validation. Defaults to 2.
min_available_clients (int, optional): Minimum number of clients used during validation. Defaults to 2.
evaluate_fn (Callable[[int, NDArrays, dict[str, Scalar]], tuple[float, dict[str, Scalar]] | None] | None):
Optional function used for central server-side evaluation. Defaults to None.
on_fit_config_fn (Callable[[int], dict[str, Scalar]] | None, optional): Function used to configure
training by providing a configuration dictionary. Defaults to None.
on_evaluate_config_fn (Callable[[int], dict[str, Scalar]] | None, optional): Function used to configure
client-side validation by providing a ``Config`` dictionary. Defaults to None.
accept_failures (bool, optional): Whether or not accept rounds containing failures. Defaults to True.
initial_parameters (Parameters | None, optional): Initial global model parameters. Defaults to None.
fit_metrics_aggregation_fn (MetricsAggregationFn | None, optional): Metrics aggregation function.
Defaults to None.
evaluate_metrics_aggregation_fn (MetricsAggregationFn | None, optional): Metrics aggregation function.
Defaults to None.
weighted_aggregation (bool, optional): Determines whether parameter aggregation is a linearly weighted
average or a uniform average. FedAvg default is weighted average by client dataset counts.
Defaults to True.
weighted_eval_losses (bool, optional): Determines whether losses during evaluation are linearly weighted
averages or a uniform average. FedAvg default is weighted average of the losses by client dataset
counts. Defaults to True.
self.parameter_packer = ParameterPackerWithLayerNames()
def aggregate_fit(
server_round: int,
results: list[tuple[ClientProxy, FitRes]],
failures: list[tuple[ClientProxy, FitRes] | BaseException],
) -> tuple[Parameters | None, dict[str, Scalar]]:
Aggregate the results from the federated fit round. The aggregation requires some special treatment, as the
participating clients are allowed to exchange an arbitrary set of weights. So before aggregation takes place
alignment must be done using the layer names packed in along with the weights in the client results.
server_round (int): Indicates the server round we're currently on.
results (list[tuple[ClientProxy, FitRes]]): The client identifiers and the results of their local training
that need to be aggregated on the server-side. In this scheme, the clients pack the layer weights into
the results object along with the weight values to allow for alignment during aggregation.
failures (list[tuple[ClientProxy, FitRes] | BaseException]): These are the results and exceptions
from clients that experienced an issue during training, such as timeouts or exceptions.
tuple[Parameters | None, dict[str, Scalar]]: The aggregated model weights and the metrics dictionary.
For dynamic layer exchange we also pack in the names of all of the layers that were aggregated in this
phase to allow client's to insert the values into the proper areas of their models.
if not results:
return None, {}
# Do not aggregate if there are failures and failures are not accepted
if not self.accept_failures and failures:
return None, {}
# Sorting the results by elements and sample counts. This is primarily to reduce numerical fluctuations in
# summing the numpy arrays during aggregation. This ensures that addition will occur in the same order,
# reducing numerical fluctuation.
# Convert client layer weights and names into ndarrays
decoded_and_sorted_results = [
(weights, sample_counts) for _, weights, sample_counts in decode_and_pseudo_sort_results(results)
# For each layer of the model, perform weighted average of all received weights from clients
aggregated_params = self.aggregate(decoded_and_sorted_results)
weights_names = []
weights = []
for name in aggregated_params:
parameters = self.parameter_packer.pack_parameters(weights, weights_names)
# Aggregate custom metrics if aggregation fn was provided
metrics_aggregated = {}
if self.fit_metrics_aggregation_fn:
fit_metrics = [(res.num_examples, res.metrics) for _, res in results]
metrics_aggregated = self.fit_metrics_aggregation_fn(fit_metrics)
elif server_round == 1: # Only log this warning once
log(WARNING, "No fit_metrics_aggregation_fn provided")
return ndarrays_to_parameters(parameters), metrics_aggregated
def aggregate(self, results: list[tuple[NDArrays, int]]) -> dict[str, NDArray]:
Aggregate the different layers across clients that have contributed to a layer. This aggregation may be
weighted or unweighted. The called functions handle layer alignment.
results (list[tuple[NDArrays, int]]): The weight results from each client's local training that need to be
aggregated on the server-side and the number of training samples held on each client. In this scheme,
the clients pack the layer weights into the results object along with the weight values to allow for
alignment during aggregation.
dict[str, NDArray]: A dictionary mapping the name of the layer that was aggregated to the aggregated
if self.weighted_aggregation:
return self.weighted_aggregate(results)
return self.unweighted_aggregate(results)
def weighted_aggregate(self, results: list[tuple[NDArrays, int]]) -> dict[str, NDArray]:
Results consists of the layer weights (and their names) sent by clients who participated in this round of
training. Since each client can send an arbitrary subset of layers, the aggregate performs weighted averaging
for each layer separately.
results (list[tuple[NDArrays, int]]): The weight results from each client's local training that need to be
aggregated on the server-side and the number of training samples held on each client. In this scheme,
the clients pack the layer weights into the results object along with the weight values to allow for
alignment during aggregation.
dict[str, NDArray]: A dictionary mapping the name of the layer that was aggregated to the aggregated
names_to_layers: defaultdict[str, list[NDArray]] = defaultdict(list)
total_num_examples: defaultdict[str, int] = defaultdict(int)
for packed_layers, num_examples in results:
layers, names = self.parameter_packer.unpack_parameters(packed_layers)
for layer, name in zip(layers, names):
names_to_layers[name].append(layer * num_examples)
total_num_examples[name] += num_examples
name_to_layers_aggregated = {
name_key: reduce(np.add, names_to_layers[name_key]) / total_num_examples[name_key]
for name_key in names_to_layers
return name_to_layers_aggregated
def unweighted_aggregate(self, results: list[tuple[NDArrays, int]]) -> dict[str, NDArray]:
Results consists of the layer weights (and their names) sent by clients who participated in this round of
training. Since each client can send an arbitrary subset of layers, the aggregate performs uniform averaging
for each layer separately.
results (list[tuple[NDArrays, int]]): The weight results from each client's local training that need to be
aggregated on the server-side and the number of training samples held on each client. In this scheme,
the clients pack the layer weights into the results object along with the weight values to allow for
alignment during aggregation.
dict[str, NDArray]: A dictionary mapping the name of the layer that was aggregated to the aggregated
names_to_layers: defaultdict[str, list[NDArray]] = defaultdict(list)
total_num_clients: defaultdict[str, int] = defaultdict(int)
for packed_layers, _ in results:
layers, names = self.parameter_packer.unpack_parameters(packed_layers)
for layer, name in zip(layers, names):
total_num_clients[name] += 1
name_to_layers_aggregated = {
name_key: reduce(np.add, names_to_layers[name_key]) / total_num_clients[name_key]
for name_key in names_to_layers
return name_to_layers_aggregated