Source code for fl4health.losses.deep_mmd_loss

import numpy as np
import torch

[docs] class ModelLatentF(torch.nn.Module):
[docs] def __init__(self, x_in_dim: int, hidden_dim: int, x_out_dim: int): """ Deep network for learning the deep kernel over features. Args: x_in_dim (int): The input dimension of the deep network. hidden_dim (int): The hidden dimension of the deep network. x_out_dim (int): The output dimension of the deep network. """ super().__init__() self.latent = torch.nn.Sequential( torch.nn.Linear(x_in_dim, hidden_dim, bias=True), torch.nn.Softplus(), torch.nn.Linear(hidden_dim, hidden_dim, bias=True), torch.nn.Softplus(), torch.nn.Linear(hidden_dim, hidden_dim, bias=True), torch.nn.Softplus(), torch.nn.Linear(hidden_dim, x_out_dim, bias=True), )
[docs] def forward(self, input: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """ Forward pass of the deep network. Args: input (torch.Tensor): The input tensor to the deep network. Returns: torch.Tensor: The output tensor of the deep network. """ feature_latent_map = self.latent(input) return feature_latent_map
[docs] class DeepMmdLoss(torch.nn.Module):
[docs] def __init__( self, device: torch.device, input_size: int, hidden_size: int = 10, output_size: int = 50, lr: float = 0.001, is_unbiased: bool = True, gaussian_degree: int = 1, optimization_steps: int = 5, ) -> None: """ Compute the Deep MMD (Maximum Mean Discrepancy) loss, as proposed in the paper Learning Deep Kernels for Non-Parametric Two-Sample Tests. This loss function uses a kernel-based approach to assess whether two samples are drawn from the same distribution. By minimizing this loss, we can learn a deep kernel that reduces the MMD distance between two distributions, ensuring that the input feature representations are aligned. This implementation is inspired by the original code from the paper: Args: device (torch.device): Device onto which tensors should be moved input_size (int): The length of the input feature representations of the deep network as the deep kernel used to compute the MMD loss. hidden_size (int, optional): The hidden size of the deep network as the deep kernel used to compute the MMD loss. Defaults to 10. output_size (int, optional): The output size of the deep network as the deep kernel used to compute the MMD loss. Defaults to 50. lr (float, optional): Learning rate for training the Deep Kernel. Defaults to 0.001. is_unbiased (bool, optional): Whether to use the unbiased estimator for the MMD loss. Defaults to True. gaussian_degree (int, optional): The degree of the generalized Gaussian kernel. Defaults to 1. optimization_steps (int, optional): The number of optimization steps to train the Deep Kernel in each forward pass. Defaults to 5. """ super().__init__() self.device = device = lr self.is_unbiased = is_unbiased self.gaussian_degree = gaussian_degree # generalized Gaussian (if L>1) self.optimization_steps = optimization_steps # Initialize the model self.featurizer = ModelLatentF(input_size, hidden_size, output_size).to(self.device) # Set the model to evaluation mode as default self.featurizer.eval() # Initialize parameters self.epsilon_opt: torch.Tensor = torch.log(torch.from_numpy(np.random.rand(1) * 10 ** (-10)).to(self.device)) self.epsilon_opt.requires_grad = False self.sigma_q_opt: torch.Tensor = torch.sqrt(torch.tensor(2 * 32 * 32, dtype=torch.float).to(self.device)) self.sigma_q_opt.requires_grad = False self.sigma_phi_opt: torch.Tensor = torch.sqrt(torch.tensor(0.005, dtype=torch.float).to(self.device)) self.sigma_phi_opt.requires_grad = False # Initialize optimizers self.optimizer_F = torch.optim.AdamW( list(self.featurizer.parameters()) + [self.epsilon_opt] + [self.sigma_q_opt] + [self.sigma_phi_opt],, ) # Set the model to training mode if required to train the Deep Kernel = False
[docs] def pairwise_distance_squared(self, X: torch.Tensor, Y: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """ Compute the paired distance between x and y. Args: X (torch.Tensor): The input tensor X. Y (torch.Tensor): The input tensor Y. Returns: torch.Tensor: The paired distance between X and Y. """ x_norm = (X**2).sum(1).view(-1, 1) y_norm = (Y**2).sum(1).view(1, -1) paired_distance = x_norm + y_norm - 2.0 *, torch.transpose(Y, 0, 1)) paired_distance[paired_distance < 0] = 0 return paired_distance
[docs] def h1_mean_var_gram( self, k_x: torch.Tensor, k_y: torch.Tensor, k_xy: torch.Tensor, is_var_computed: bool, ) -> tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor | None]: """ Compute value of MMD and std of MMD using kernel matrix. Args: k_x (torch.Tensor): The kernel matrix of x. k_y (torch.Tensor): The kernel matrix of y. k_xy (torch.Tensor): The kernel matrix of x and y. is_var_computed (bool): Whether to compute the variance of the MMD. Returns: tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor | None]: The value of MMD and the variance of MMD if required to compute. """ nx = k_x.shape[0] ny = k_y.shape[0] if self.is_unbiased: # compute the unbiased MMD estimator (\hat{\text{MMD}}_u^2) defined in Eq. (2) of the paper xx = torch.div((torch.sum(k_x) - torch.sum(torch.diag(k_x))), (nx * (nx - 1))) yy = torch.div((torch.sum(k_y) - torch.sum(torch.diag(k_y))), (ny * (ny - 1))) xy = torch.div((torch.sum(k_xy) - torch.sum(torch.diag(k_xy))), (nx * (ny - 1))) else: # compute the biased MMD estimator (\hat{\text{MMD}}_b^2) defined below Equation (2) of the paper xx = torch.div((torch.sum(k_x)), (nx * nx)) yy = torch.div((torch.sum(k_y)), (ny * ny)) xy = torch.div((torch.sum(k_xy)), (nx * ny)) mmd2 = xx - 2 * xy + yy if not is_var_computed: return mmd2, None h_ij = k_x + k_y - k_xy - k_xy.transpose(0, 1) # Compute the variance estimate of MMD defined in Equation (5) of the paper v1 = (4.0 / ny**3) * (, h_ij.sum(1))) v2 = (4.0 / nx**4) * (h_ij.sum() ** 2) variance_estimate = v1 - v2 + (10 ** (-8)) return mmd2, variance_estimate
[docs] def MMDu( self, features: torch.Tensor, len_s: int, features_org: torch.Tensor, sigma_q: torch.Tensor, sigma_phi: torch.Tensor, epsilon: torch.Tensor, is_smooth: bool = True, is_var_computed: bool = True, ) -> tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor | None]: """ Compute value of deep-kernel MMD and std of deep-kernel MMD using merged data. Args: features (torch.Tensor): The output features of the deep network. len_s (int): The length of the sample. features_org (torch.Tensor): The original input features of the deep network. sigma_q (torch.Tensor): The ``sigma_q`` parameter. sigma_phi (torch.Tensor): The ``sigma_phi`` parameter. epsilon (torch.Tensor): The epsilon parameter. is_smooth (bool, optional): Whether to use the smooth version of the MMD. Defaults to True. is_var_computed (bool, optional): Whether to compute the variance of the MMD. Defaults to True. Returns: tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor | None]: The value of MMD and the variance of MMD if required to compute. """ x = features[0:len_s, :] # fetch the sample 1 (features of deep networks) y = features[len_s:, :] # fetch the sample 2 (features of deep networks) distance_xx = self.pairwise_distance_squared(x, x) distance_yy = self.pairwise_distance_squared(y, y) distance_xy = self.pairwise_distance_squared(x, y) if is_smooth: x_original = features_org[0:len_s, :] # fetch the original sample 1 y_original = features_org[len_s:, :] # fetch the original sample 2 distance_xx_original = self.pairwise_distance_squared(x_original, x_original) distance_yy_original = self.pairwise_distance_squared(y_original, y_original) distance_xy_original = self.pairwise_distance_squared(x_original, y_original) kernel_x = (1 - epsilon) * torch.exp( -((distance_xx / sigma_phi) ** self.gaussian_degree) - distance_xx_original / sigma_q ) + epsilon * torch.exp(-distance_xx_original / sigma_q) kernel_y = (1 - epsilon) * torch.exp( -((distance_yy / sigma_phi) ** self.gaussian_degree) - distance_yy_original / sigma_q ) + epsilon * torch.exp(-distance_yy_original / sigma_q) kernel_xy = (1 - epsilon) * torch.exp( -((distance_xy / sigma_phi) ** self.gaussian_degree) - distance_xy_original / sigma_q ) + epsilon * torch.exp(-distance_xy_original / sigma_q) else: kernel_x = torch.exp(-distance_xx / sigma_phi) kernel_y = torch.exp(-distance_yy / sigma_phi) kernel_xy = torch.exp(-distance_xy / sigma_phi) # kernel_x represents k_w(x_i, x_j), kernel_y represents k_w(y_i, y_j), kernel_xy represents # k_w(x_i, y_j) for all i, j in the sample X and sample Y defined in Equation (1) of the paper return self.h1_mean_var_gram(kernel_x, kernel_y, kernel_xy, is_var_computed)
[docs] def train_kernel(self, X: torch.Tensor, Y: torch.Tensor) -> None: """ Train the Deep MMD kernel. Args: X (torch.Tensor): The input tensor X. Y (torch.Tensor): The input tensor Y. """ self.featurizer.train() self.sigma_q_opt.requires_grad = True self.sigma_phi_opt.requires_grad = True self.epsilon_opt.requires_grad = True # Shuffle the data to ensure they are not always presented in the same order for training # which might lead to overfitting indices = torch.randperm(Y.size(0)) Y_shuffled = Y[indices] features =[X, Y_shuffled], 0) # ------------------------------ # Train deep network for MMD-D # ------------------------------ # Zero gradients self.optimizer_F.zero_grad() # Compute output of deep network model_output = self.featurizer(features) # Compute epsilon, sigma_q and sigma_phi in \kappa_w(x, y) in Equation (1) of the paper epsilon = torch.exp(self.epsilon_opt) / (1 + torch.exp(self.epsilon_opt)) sigma_q = self.sigma_q_opt**2 sigma_phi = self.sigma_phi_opt**2 # Compute Deep MMD value and variance estimates mmd_value_estimate, mmd_var_estimate = self.MMDu( features=model_output, len_s=X.shape[0], features_org=features.view(features.shape[0], -1), sigma_q=sigma_q, sigma_phi=sigma_phi, epsilon=epsilon, is_var_computed=True, ) if mmd_var_estimate is None: raise AssertionError("Error: Variance of MMD is not computed. Please set is_var_computed=True.") mmd_std_estimate = torch.sqrt(mmd_var_estimate) # Forming \hat{J}_{\lambda} defined in Equation (4) of the paper (STAT_u) stat_u = torch.div(-1 * mmd_value_estimate, mmd_std_estimate) # Compute gradient stat_u.backward() # Update weights using gradient descent self.optimizer_F.step()
[docs] def compute_kernel(self, X: torch.Tensor, Y: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """ Compute the Deep MMD Loss. Args: X (torch.Tensor): The input tensor X. Y (torch.Tensor): The input tensor Y. Returns: torch.Tensor: The value of Deep MMD Loss. """ self.featurizer.eval() self.sigma_q_opt.requires_grad = False self.sigma_phi_opt.requires_grad = False self.epsilon_opt.requires_grad = False features =[X, Y], 0) # Compute output of deep network model_output = self.featurizer(features) # Compute epsilon, sigma_q and sigma_phi in \kappa_w(x, y) in Equation (1) of the paper epsilon = torch.exp(self.epsilon_opt) / (1 + torch.exp(self.epsilon_opt)) sigma_q = self.sigma_q_opt**2 sigma_phi = self.sigma_phi_opt**2 # Compute Deep MMD value estimates mmd_value_estimate, _ = self.MMDu( features=model_output, len_s=X.shape[0], features_org=features.view(features.shape[0], -1), sigma_q=sigma_q, sigma_phi=sigma_phi, epsilon=epsilon, is_var_computed=False, ) return mmd_value_estimate
[docs] def forward(self, Xs: torch.Tensor, Xt: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """ Forward pass of the Deep MMD Loss where it first trains the deep kernel for number of optimization steps and then computes the MMD loss. Args: Xs (torch.Tensor): The source input tensor. Xt (torch.Tensor): The target input tensor. Returns: torch.Tensor: The value of Deep MMD Loss. """ if for _ in range(self.optimization_steps): self.train_kernel(Xs.clone().detach(), Xt.clone().detach()) return self.compute_kernel(Xs, Xt)