from import Sequence
from logging import ERROR, INFO
from pathlib import Path
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from flwr.common.logger import log
from flwr.common.typing import Config, Scalar
from fl4health.checkpointing.client_module import CheckpointMode, ClientCheckpointAndStateModule
from fl4health.clients.ditto_client import DittoClient
from fl4health.losses.mkmmd_loss import MkMmdLoss
from fl4health.model_bases.feature_extractor_buffer import FeatureExtractorBuffer
from fl4health.reporting.base_reporter import BaseReporter
from fl4health.utils.client import clone_and_freeze_model
from fl4health.utils.losses import LossMeterType, TrainingLosses
from fl4health.utils.metrics import Metric
from fl4health.utils.typing import TorchFeatureType, TorchInputType, TorchPredType, TorchTargetType
class DittoMkMmdClient(DittoClient):
def __init__(
data_path: Path,
metrics: Sequence[Metric],
device: torch.device,
loss_meter_type: LossMeterType = LossMeterType.AVERAGE,
checkpoint_and_state_module: ClientCheckpointAndStateModule | None = None,
reporters: Sequence[BaseReporter] | None = None,
progress_bar: bool = False,
client_name: str | None = None,
mkmmd_loss_weight: float = 10.0,
feature_extraction_layers: Sequence[str] | None = None,
feature_l2_norm_weight: float = 0.0,
beta_global_update_interval: int = 20,
num_accumulating_batches: int | None = None,
) -> None:
This client implements the MK-MMD loss function in the Ditto framework. The MK-MMD loss is a measure of the
distance between the distributions of the features of the local model and initial global model of each round.
The MK-MMD loss is added to the local loss to penalize the local model for drifting away from the global model.
data_path (Path): path to the data to be used to load the data for client-side training
metrics (Sequence[Metric]): Metrics to be computed based on the labels and predictions of the client model
device (torch.device): Device indicator for where to send the model, batches, labels etc. Often 'cpu' or
loss_meter_type (LossMeterType, optional): Type of meter used to track and compute the losses over
each batch. Defaults to LossMeterType.AVERAGE.
checkpoint_and_state_module (ClientCheckpointAndStateModule | None, optional): A module meant to handle
both checkpointing and state saving. The module, and its underlying model and state checkpointing
components will determine when and how to do checkpointing during client-side training.
No checkpointing (state or model) is done if not provided. Defaults to None.
reporters (Sequence[BaseReporter] | None, optional): A sequence of FL4Health reporters which the client
should send data to. Defaults to None.
progress_bar (bool, optional): Whether or not to display a progress bar during client training and
validation. Uses tqdm. Defaults to False
client_name (str | None, optional): An optional client name that uniquely identifies a client.
If not passed, a hash is randomly generated. Client state will use this as part of its state file
name. Defaults to None.
mkmmd_loss_weight (float, optional): weight applied to the MK-MMD loss. Defaults to 10.0.
feature_extraction_layers (Sequence[str] | None, optional): List of layers from which to extract
and flatten features. Defaults to None.
feature_l2_norm_weight (float, optional): weight applied to the L2 norm of the features.
Defaults to 0.0.
beta_global_update_interval (int, optional): interval at which to update the betas for the MK-MMD loss. If
set to above 0, the betas will be updated based on whole distribution of latent features of data with
the given update interval. If set to 0, the betas will not be updated. If set to -1, the betas will be
updated after each individual batch based on only that individual batch. Defaults to 20.
num_accumulating_batches (int, optional): Number of batches to accumulate features to approximate the whole
distribution of the latent features for updating beta of the MK-MMD loss. This parameter is only used
if beta_global_update_interval is set to larger than 0. Defaults to None.
self.mkmmd_loss_weight = mkmmd_loss_weight
if self.mkmmd_loss_weight == 0:
"MK-MMD loss weight is set to 0. As MK-MMD loss will not be computed, ",
"please use vanilla DittoClient instead.",
self.feature_l2_norm_weight = feature_l2_norm_weight
self.beta_global_update_interval = beta_global_update_interval
if self.beta_global_update_interval == -1:
log(INFO, "Betas for the MK-MMD loss will be updated for each individual batch.")
elif self.beta_global_update_interval == 0:
log(INFO, "Betas for the MK-MMD loss will not be updated.")
elif self.beta_global_update_interval > 0:
log(INFO, f"Betas for the MK-MMD loss will be updated every {self.beta_global_update_interval} steps.")
raise ValueError("Invalid beta_global_update_interval. It should be either -1, 0 or a positive integer.")
if feature_extraction_layers:
# By default, all of the features should be flattened for the MK-MMD loss
self.flatten_feature_extraction_layers = {layer: True for layer in feature_extraction_layers}
self.flatten_feature_extraction_layers = {}
self.mkmmd_losses: dict[str, MkMmdLoss] = {}
for layer in self.flatten_feature_extraction_layers.keys():
self.mkmmd_losses[layer] = MkMmdLoss(
device=self.device, minimize_type_two_error=True, normalize_features=True, layer_name=layer
self.initial_global_model: nn.Module
self.local_feature_extractor: FeatureExtractorBuffer
self.initial_global_feature_extractor: FeatureExtractorBuffer
self.num_accumulating_batches = num_accumulating_batches
def setup_client(self, config: Config) -> None:
self.local_feature_extractor = FeatureExtractorBuffer(
# Register hooks to extract features from the local model if not already registered
def update_before_train(self, current_server_round: int) -> None:
assert isinstance(self.global_model, nn.Module)
# Clone and freeze the initial weights GLOBAL MODEL. These are used to form the Ditto local
# update penalty term.
self.initial_global_model = clone_and_freeze_model(self.global_model)
self.initial_global_feature_extractor = FeatureExtractorBuffer(
# Register hooks to extract features from the initial global model if not already registered
def _should_optimize_betas(self, step: int) -> bool:
step_at_interval = (step - 1) % self.beta_global_update_interval == 0
valid_components_present = self.initial_global_model is not None
# If the mkmmd loss doesn't matter, we don't bother optimizing betas
weighted_mkmmd_loss = self.mkmmd_loss_weight != 0
return step_at_interval and valid_components_present and weighted_mkmmd_loss
def update_after_step(self, step: int, current_round: int | None = None) -> None:
if self.beta_global_update_interval > 0 and self._should_optimize_betas(step):
# Get the feature distribution of the local and initial global features with evaluation
# mode
local_distributions, initial_global_distributions = self.update_buffers(
self.model, self.initial_global_model
# Update betas for the MK-MMD loss based on gathered features during training
for layer, layer_mkmmd_loss in self.mkmmd_losses.items():
layer_mkmmd_loss.betas = layer_mkmmd_loss.optimize_betas(
X=local_distributions[layer], Y=initial_global_distributions[layer], lambda_m=1e-5
def update_buffers(
self, local_model: torch.nn.Module, initial_global_model: torch.nn.Module
) -> tuple[dict[str, torch.Tensor], dict[str, torch.Tensor]]:
Update the feature buffer of the local and global features.
local_model (torch.nn.Module): Local model to extract features from.
initial_global_model (torch.nn.Module): Initial global model to extract features from.
tuple[dict[str, torch.Tensor], dict[str, torch.Tensor]]: A tuple containing the extracted
features using the local and initial global models.
# Save the initial state of the local model to restore it after the buffer is populated,
# however as initial global model is already cloned and frozen, we don't need to save its state.
initial_state_local_model =
# Set local model to evaluation mode, as we don't want to create a computational graph
# for the local model when populating the local buffer with features to compute optimal
# betas for the MK-MMD loss
# Make sure the local model is in evaluation mode before populating the local buffer
assert not
# Make sure the initial global model is in evaluation mode before populating the global buffer
# as it is already cloned and frozen from the global model
assert not
with torch.no_grad():
for i, (input, _) in enumerate(self.train_loader):
input =
# Pass the input through the local model to populate the local_feature_extractor buffer
# Pass the input through the initial global model to populate the initial_global_feature_extractor
# buffer
# Break if the number of accumulating batches is reached to avoid memory issues
if i == self.num_accumulating_batches:
local_distributions = self.local_feature_extractor.get_extracted_features()
initial_global_distributions = self.initial_global_feature_extractor.get_extracted_features()
# Restore the initial state of the local model
if initial_state_local_model:
return local_distributions, initial_global_distributions
def predict(
input: TorchInputType,
) -> tuple[TorchPredType, TorchFeatureType]:
Computes the predictions for both the GLOBAL and LOCAL models and pack them into the prediction dictionary
input (TorchInputType): Inputs to be fed into the model. If input is
of type dict[str, torch.Tensor], it is assumed that the keys of
input match the names of the keyword arguments of self.model.
tuple[TorchPredType, TorchFeatureType]: A tuple in which the
first element contains a dictionary of predictions indexed by
name and the second element contains intermediate activations
indexed by name. By passing features, we can compute all the
losses. All predictions included in dictionary will by default
be used to compute metrics separately.
TypeError: Occurs when something other than a tensor or dict of tensors is passed in to the model's
forward method.
ValueError: Occurs when something other than a tensor or dict of tensors is returned by the model
# We use features from initial_global_model to compute the MK-MMD loss not the global_model
global_preds = self.global_model(input)
local_preds = self.model(input)
features = self.local_feature_extractor.get_extracted_features()
if self.mkmmd_loss_weight != 0:
# Compute the features of the initial_global_model
initial_global_features = self.initial_global_feature_extractor.get_extracted_features()
for key, initial_global_feature in initial_global_features.items():
features[" ".join(["init_global", key])] = initial_global_feature
return {"global": global_preds, "local": local_preds}, features
def _maybe_checkpoint(self, loss: float, metrics: dict[str, Scalar], checkpoint_mode: CheckpointMode) -> None:
# Hooks need to be removed before checkpointing the model
super()._maybe_checkpoint(loss=loss, metrics=metrics, checkpoint_mode=checkpoint_mode)
# As hooks have to be removed to checkpoint the model, so we check if they need to be re-registered
# each time.
def compute_training_loss(
preds: TorchPredType,
features: TorchFeatureType,
target: TorchTargetType,
) -> TrainingLosses:
Computes training losses given predictions of the global and local models and ground truth data.
For the local model we add to the vanilla loss function by including Ditto penalty loss which is the l2 inner
product between the initial global model weights and weights of the local model. This is stored in backward
The loss to optimize the global model is stored in the additional losses dictionary under "global_loss"
preds (TorchPredType): Prediction(s) of the model(s) indexed by name.
All predictions included in dictionary will be used to compute metrics.
features: (TorchFeatureType): Feature(s) of the model(s) indexed by name.
target: (TorchTargetType): Ground truth data to evaluate predictions against.
TrainingLosses: an instance of TrainingLosses containing backward loss and
additional losses indexed by name. Additional losses includes each loss component and the global model
loss tensor.
for layer_loss_module in self.mkmmd_losses.values():
# Check that both models are in training mode
assert and
# local loss is stored in loss, global model loss is stored in additional losses.
loss, additional_losses = self.compute_loss_and_additional_losses(preds, features, target)
# Setting the adaptation loss to that of the local model, as its performance should dictate whether more or
# less weight is used to constrain it to the global model (as in FedProx)
additional_losses["loss_for_adaptation"] = additional_losses["local_loss"].clone()
# This is the Ditto penalty loss of the local model compared with the original Global model weights, scaled
# by drift_penalty_weight (or lambda in the original paper)
penalty_loss = self.compute_penalty_loss()
additional_losses["penalty_loss"] = penalty_loss.clone()
total_loss = loss + penalty_loss
# Add MK-MMD loss based on computed features during training
if self.mkmmd_loss_weight != 0:
total_loss += additional_losses["mkmmd_loss_total"]
if self.feature_l2_norm_weight != 0:
total_loss += additional_losses["feature_l2_norm_loss"]
additional_losses["total_loss"] = total_loss.clone()
return TrainingLosses(backward=total_loss, additional_losses=additional_losses)
def compute_loss_and_additional_losses(
self, preds: TorchPredType, features: TorchFeatureType, target: TorchTargetType
) -> tuple[torch.Tensor, dict[str, torch.Tensor]]:
Computes the loss and any additional losses given predictions of the model and ground truth data.
preds (TorchPredType): Prediction(s) of the model(s) indexed by name.
features (TorchFeatureType): Feature(s) of the model(s) indexed by name.
target (TorchTargetType): Ground truth data to evaluate predictions against.
tuple[torch.Tensor, dict[str, torch.Tensor]]: A tuple with:
- The tensor for the loss
- A dictionary of additional losses with their names and values, or None if
there are no additional losses.
loss, additional_losses = super().compute_loss_and_additional_losses(preds, features, target)
if self.mkmmd_loss_weight != 0:
if self.beta_global_update_interval == -1:
# Update betas for the MK-MMD loss based on computed features during training
for layer, layer_mkmmd_loss in self.mkmmd_losses.items():
layer_mkmmd_loss.betas = layer_mkmmd_loss.optimize_betas(
X=features[layer], Y=features[" ".join(["init_global", layer])], lambda_m=1e-5
# Compute MK-MMD loss
total_mkmmd_loss = torch.tensor(0.0, device=self.device)
for layer, layer_mkmmd_loss in self.mkmmd_losses.items():
mkmmd_loss = layer_mkmmd_loss(features[layer], features[" ".join(["init_global", layer])])
additional_losses["_".join(["mkmmd_loss", layer])] = mkmmd_loss.clone()
total_mkmmd_loss += mkmmd_loss
additional_losses["mkmmd_loss_total"] = self.mkmmd_loss_weight * total_mkmmd_loss
if self.feature_l2_norm_weight != 0:
# Compute the average L2 norm of the features over the batch
feature_l2_norm_loss = torch.linalg.norm(features["features"]) / len(features["features"])
additional_losses["feature_l2_norm_loss"] = self.feature_l2_norm_weight * feature_l2_norm_loss
return loss, additional_losses