Source code for fl4health.clients.evaluate_client

import datetime
from import Sequence
from logging import INFO, WARNING
from pathlib import Path

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from flwr.common.logger import log
from flwr.common.typing import Config, NDArrays, Scalar
from torch.nn.modules.loss import _Loss
from import DataLoader

from fl4health.clients.basic_client import BasicClient
from fl4health.parameter_exchange.full_exchanger import FullParameterExchanger
from fl4health.parameter_exchange.parameter_exchanger_base import ParameterExchanger
from fl4health.reporting.base_reporter import BaseReporter
from fl4health.reporting.reports_manager import ReportsManager
from fl4health.utils.losses import EvaluationLosses, LossMeter, LossMeterType
from fl4health.utils.metrics import Metric, MetricManager
from fl4health.utils.random import generate_hash

[docs] class EvaluateClient(BasicClient):
[docs] def __init__( self, data_path: Path, metrics: Sequence[Metric], device: torch.device, loss_meter_type: LossMeterType = LossMeterType.AVERAGE, model_checkpoint_path: Path | None = None, reporters: Sequence[BaseReporter] | None = None, client_name: str | None = None, ) -> None: """ This client implements an evaluation only flow. That is, there is no expectation of parameter exchange with the server past the model initialization stage. The implementing client should instantiate a global model if one is expected from the server, which will be loaded using the passed parameters. If a model checkpoint path is provided the client attempts to load a local model from the specified path. Args: data_path (Path): path to the data to be used to load the data for client-side training metrics (Sequence[Metric]): Metrics to be computed based on the labels and predictions of the client model device (torch.device): Device indicator for where to send the model, batches, labels etc. Often "cpu" or "cuda" loss_meter_type (LossMeterType, optional): Type of meter used to track and compute the losses over each batch. Defaults to ``LossMeterType.AVERAGE``. model_checkpoint_path (Path | None, optional): _description_. Defaults to None. reporters (Sequence[BaseReporter] | None, optional): A sequence of FL4Health reporters which the client should send data to. Defaults to None. client_name (str | None, optional): An optional client name that uniquely identifies a client. If not passed, a hash is randomly generated. Defaults to None. """ # EvaluateClient does not call BasicClient constructor and sets attributes # in a custom way to account for the fact it does not involve any training self.client_name = generate_hash() if client_name is None else client_name self.data_path = data_path self.device = device self.model_checkpoint_path = model_checkpoint_path self.metrics = metrics self.initialized = False # Initialize reporters with client information. self.reports_manager = ReportsManager(reporters) self.reports_manager.initialize(id=self.client_name) # This data loader should be instantiated as the one on which to run evaluation self.global_loss_meter = LossMeter[EvaluationLosses](loss_meter_type, EvaluationLosses) self.global_metric_manager = MetricManager(self.metrics, "global_eval_manager") self.local_loss_meter = LossMeter[EvaluationLosses](loss_meter_type, EvaluationLosses) self.local_metric_manager = MetricManager(self.metrics, "local_eval_manager") # The attributes to be set in setup_client # Models corresponding to client-side and server-side checkpoints, # if they exist, to be evaluated on the client's dataset. self.data_loader: DataLoader self.criterion: _Loss self.local_model: nn.Module | None = None self.global_model: nn.Module | None = None
[docs] def get_parameters(self, config: dict[str, Scalar]) -> NDArrays: raise ValueError("Get Parameters is not implemented for an Evaluation-Only Client")
[docs] def fit(self, parameters: NDArrays, config: Config) -> tuple[NDArrays, int, dict[str, Scalar]]: raise ValueError("Fit is not implemented for an Evaluation-Only Client")
[docs] def setup_client(self, config: Config) -> None: """ Set dataloaders, parameter exchangers and other attributes for the client """ (data_loader,) = self.get_data_loader(config) self.data_loader = data_loader self.global_model = self.initialize_global_model(config) self.local_model = self.get_local_model(config) # The following lines are type ignored because torch datasets are not "Sized" # IE __len__ is considered optionally defined. In practice, it is almost always defined # and as such, we will make that assumption. self.num_samples = len(self.data_loader.dataset) # type: ignore self.criterion = self.get_criterion(config) self.parameter_exchanger = self.get_parameter_exchanger(config){"host_type": "client", "initialized": str(}) self.initialized = True
[docs] def set_parameters(self, parameters: NDArrays, config: Config, fitting_round: bool) -> None: assert not fitting_round # Sets the global model parameters transferred from the server using a parameter exchanger to coordinate how # parameters are set if len(parameters) > 0: # If a non-empty set of parameters are passed, then they are inserted into a global model to be evaluated. # If none are provided or a global model is not instantiated, then we only evaluate a local model assert self.global_model is not None and self.parameter_exchanger is not None self.parameter_exchanger.pull_parameters(parameters, self.global_model, config) else: # If no global parameters are passed then we kill a global model (if instantiated) as it is not going to # be initialized with trained weights. self.global_model = None
[docs] def evaluate(self, parameters: NDArrays, config: Config) -> tuple[float, int, dict[str, Scalar]]: if not self.initialized: self.setup_client(config) start_time = self.set_parameters(parameters, config, fitting_round=False) # Make sure at least one of local or global model is not none (i.e. there is something to evaluate) assert self.local_model or self.global_model loss, metric_values = self.validate() end_time = elapsed = end_time - start_time { "eval_metrics": metric_values, "eval_loss": loss, "eval_start": str(start_time), "eval_time_elapsed": str(elapsed), "eval_end": str(end_time), }, 0, ) # EvaluateRes should return the loss, number of examples on client, and a dictionary holding metrics # calculation results. return ( loss, self.num_samples, metric_values, )
def _handle_logging( # type: ignore self, losses: EvaluationLosses, metrics_dict: dict[str, Scalar], is_global: bool ) -> None: metric_string = "\t".join([f"{key}: {str(val)}" for key, val in metrics_dict.items()]) loss_string = "\t".join([f"{key}: {str(val)}" for key, val in losses.as_dict().items()]) eval_prefix = "Global Model" if is_global else "Local Model" log( INFO, f"Client Evaluation {eval_prefix} Losses: {loss_string} \n" f"Client Evaluation {eval_prefix} Metrics: {metric_string}", )
[docs] def validate_on_model( self, model: nn.Module, metric_meter: MetricManager, loss_meter: LossMeter, is_global: bool, ) -> tuple[EvaluationLosses, dict[str, Scalar]]: model.eval() metric_meter.clear() loss_meter.clear() with torch.no_grad(): for inputs, targets in self.data_loader: inputs, targets =, preds = {"prediction": model(inputs)} losses = self.compute_evaluation_loss(preds, {}, targets) metric_meter.update(preds, targets) loss_meter.update(losses) metrics = metric_meter.compute() losses = loss_meter.compute() self._handle_logging(losses, metrics, is_global) return losses, metrics
[docs] def validate(self, include_loss_in_metrics: bool = False) -> tuple[float, dict[str, Scalar]]: local_loss: EvaluationLosses | None = None local_metrics: dict[str, Scalar] | None = None global_loss: EvaluationLosses | None = None global_metrics: dict[str, Scalar] | None = None if self.local_model: log(INFO, "Performing evaluation on local model") local_loss, local_metrics = self.validate_on_model( self.local_model, self.local_metric_manager, self.local_loss_meter, is_global=False, ) if self.global_model: log(INFO, "Performing evaluation on global model") global_loss, global_metrics = self.validate_on_model( self.global_model, self.global_metric_manager, self.global_loss_meter, is_global=True, ) # Store the losses in the metrics, since we can't return more than one loss. metrics = EvaluateClient.merge_metrics(global_metrics, local_metrics) if global_loss: metrics.update({f"global_loss_{key}": val for key, val in global_loss.as_dict().items()}) if local_loss: metrics.update({f"local_loss_{key}": val for key, val in local_loss.as_dict().items()}) # Dummy loss is returned, global and local loss values are stored in the metrics dictionary return float("nan"), metrics
[docs] @staticmethod def merge_metrics( global_metrics: dict[str, Scalar] | None, local_metrics: dict[str, Scalar] | None, ) -> dict[str, Scalar]: # Merge metrics if necessary if global_metrics: metrics = global_metrics if local_metrics: for metric_name, metric_value in local_metrics.items(): if metric_name in metrics: log( WARNING, f"metric_name: {metric_name} already exists in dictionary. " "Please ensure that this is intended behavior", ) metrics[metric_name] = metric_value elif local_metrics: metrics = local_metrics else: raise ValueError( "Both metric dictionaries are None. At least one global or local model should be present." ) return metrics
[docs] def get_parameter_exchanger(self, config: Config) -> ParameterExchanger: """ Parameter exchange is assumed to always be full for evaluation only clients. If there are partial weights exchanged during training, we assume that the checkpoint has been saved locally. However, this functionality may be overridden if a different exchanger is needed """ return FullParameterExchanger()
[docs] def get_data_loader(self, config: Config) -> tuple[DataLoader]: """ User defined method that returns a PyTorch DataLoader for validation """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def initialize_global_model(self, config: Config) -> nn.Module | None: """ User defined method that to initializes a global model to potentially be hydrated by parameters sent by the server, by default, no global model is assumed to exist unless specified by the user """ return None
[docs] def get_local_model(self, config: Config) -> nn.Module | None: """ Functionality for initializing a model from a local checkpoint. This can be overridden for custom behavior """ # If a model checkpoint is provided, we load the checkpoint into the local model to be evaluated. if self.model_checkpoint_path: log( INFO, f"Loading model checkpoint at: {str(self.model_checkpoint_path)}", ) return torch.load(self.model_checkpoint_path) else: return None