Source code for fl4health.checkpointing.opacus_checkpointer

import pickle
from logging import INFO, getLogger
from typing import Any

import torch.nn as nn
from flwr.common.logger import log
from flwr.common.typing import Scalar
from opacus import GradSampleModule

from fl4health.checkpointing.checkpointer import FunctionTorchModuleCheckpointer

# It seems like the opacus package adds a handler to the root logger which causes double logs.
# By clearing handlers on the root logger we prevent these double logs whilst also allowing the flwr logger to
# propagate its logs to the root logger.
root_logger = getLogger()

[docs] class OpacusCheckpointer(FunctionTorchModuleCheckpointer): """ This is a specific type of checkpointer to be used in saving models trained using Opacus for differential privacy. Certain layers within Opacus wrapped models do not interact well with functionality. This checkpointer fixes this issue. """
[docs] def maybe_checkpoint(self, model: GradSampleModule, loss: float, metrics: dict[str, Scalar]) -> None: """ Overriding the checkpointing strategy of the FunctionTorchCheckpointer to save model state dictionaries instead of using the workflow. Args: model (nn.Module): Model to be potentially saved (should be an Opacus wrapped model) loss (float): Loss value associated with the model to be used in checkpointing decisions. metrics (dict[str, Scalar]): Metrics associated with the model to be used in checkpointing decisions. """ assert isinstance( model, GradSampleModule ), f"Model is of type: {type(model)}. This checkpointer need only be used to checkpoint Opacus modules" comparison_score = self.checkpoint_score_function(loss, metrics) if self._should_checkpoint(comparison_score): log( INFO, f"Saving Opacus model state: Current score ({comparison_score}) " f"{self.comparison_str} Best score ({self.best_score})", ) self.best_score = comparison_score # Extract the state dictionary for the model and save it. self._extract_and_save_state(model) else: log( INFO, f"Not saving Opacus model state: Current score ({comparison_score}) is not " f"{self.comparison_str} Best score ({self.best_score})", )
def _process_state_dict_keys(self, opacus_state_dict: dict[str, Any]) -> dict[str, Any]: """ State dictionary keys for Opacus modules will be prefixed with an _module. So we remove these when loading the state information into a standard torch model. Args: opacus_state_dict (dict[str, Any]): A state dictionary produced by an Opacus GradSamplingModule Returns: dict[str, Any]: A state dictionary with the _module. removed from the key prefixes to facilitate loading the state dictionary into a non-Opacus model. """ return {key.removeprefix("_module."): val for key, val in opacus_state_dict.items()} def _extract_and_save_state(self, model: nn.Module) -> None: """ Certain Opacus layers don't integrate nicely with the mechanism. So rather than using that approach for checkpointing Opacus models, we extract and save the model state dictionary. Args: model (nn.Module): Model to be checkpointed via the state dictionary. """ model_state_dict = model.state_dict() with open(self.checkpoint_path, "wb") as handle: pickle.dump(model_state_dict, handle, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
[docs] def load_checkpoint(self, path_to_checkpoint: str | None = None) -> nn.Module: raise NotImplementedError( "When loading from Opacus checkpointers, you need to provide a model into which state is loaded. " "Please use load_best_checkpoint_into_model instead and provide model architecture to load state into." )
[docs] def load_best_checkpoint_into_model( self, target_model: nn.Module, target_is_grad_sample_module: bool = False ) -> None: """ State dictionary loading requires a model to be provided (unlike the mechanism). So we define this function, which requires the user to provide a model into which the state dictionary is to be loaded. Args: target_model (nn.Module): Target model for loading state into. target_is_grad_sample_module (bool, optional): Whether the target_model that the state_dict is being loaded into is an Opacus module or just a vanilla Pytorch module. Defaults to False. """ with open(self.checkpoint_path, "rb") as handle: model_state_dict = pickle.load(handle) # If the target is just a plain PyTorch module, we remove the _module key prefix that Opacus inserts into # its GradSampleModules. if not target_is_grad_sample_module: model_state_dict = self._process_state_dict_keys(model_state_dict) target_model.load_state_dict(model_state_dict, strict=True)
[docs] class LatestOpacusCheckpointer(OpacusCheckpointer):
[docs] def __init__(self, checkpoint_dir: str, checkpoint_name: str) -> None: """ This class implements a checkpointer that always saves the model state when called. It uses a placeholder scoring function and maximize argument. Args: checkpoint_dir (str): Directory to save checkpoint state to checkpoint_name (str): Name of the file to which state is to be saved to. """ # This function is required by the parent class, but not used in the LatestOpacusCheckpointer def latest_score_function(loss: float, _: dict[str, Scalar]) -> float: return 0.0 super().__init__(checkpoint_dir, checkpoint_name, latest_score_function, False)
[docs] def maybe_checkpoint(self, model: GradSampleModule, loss: float, _: dict[str, Scalar]) -> None: assert isinstance( model, GradSampleModule ), f"Model is of type: {type(model)}. This checkpointer need only be used to checkpoint Opacus modules" # Always checkpoint the latest model log(INFO, "Saving latest checkpoint with LatestTorchCheckpointer") self._extract_and_save_state(model)
[docs] class BestLossOpacusCheckpointer(OpacusCheckpointer):
[docs] def __init__(self, checkpoint_dir: str, checkpoint_name: str) -> None: """ This checkpointer only uses the loss value provided to the maybe_checkpoint function to determine whether a checkpoint should be save. We are always attempting to minimize the loss. So maximize is always set to false Args: checkpoint_dir (str): Directory to which the model is saved. This directory should already exist. The checkpointer will not create it if it does not. checkpoint_name (str): Name of the checkpoint to be saved. """ # The BestLossOpacusCheckpointer just uses the provided loss to scoring checkpoints. More complicated # approaches may be used by other classes. def loss_score_function(loss: float, _: dict[str, Scalar]) -> float: return loss super().__init__( checkpoint_dir, checkpoint_name, checkpoint_score_function=loss_score_function, maximize=False )
[docs] def maybe_checkpoint(self, model: GradSampleModule, loss: float, metrics: dict[str, Scalar]) -> None: assert isinstance( model, GradSampleModule ), f"Model is of type: {type(model)}. This checkpointer need only be used to checkpoint Opacus modules" # First we use the provided scoring function to produce a score comparison_score = self.checkpoint_score_function(loss, metrics) if self._should_checkpoint(comparison_score): log( INFO, f"Checkpointing the model: Current Loss ({comparison_score}) " f"{self.comparison_str} Best Loss ({self.best_score})", ) self.best_score = comparison_score self._extract_and_save_state(model) else: log( INFO, f"Not checkpointing the model: Current Loss ({comparison_score}) is not " f"{self.comparison_str} Best Loss ({self.best_score})", )