Hydra/Hydra-zen-based configurations.
Module attributes
- external_store = external_store {'modules/optimizers': ['Adadelta', 'Adagrad', 'Adam', 'Adamax', 'AdamW', 'ASGD', 'LBFGS', 'NAdam', 'RAdam', 'RMSprop', 'Rprop', 'SGD', 'SparseAdam'], 'modules/lr_schedulers': ['StepLR', 'MultiStepLR', 'ExponentialLR', 'CosineAnnealingLR', 'CyclicLR', 'OneCycleLR', 'ReduceLROnPlateau', 'LinearLR', 'PolynomialLR', 'CosineAnnealingWarmRestarts'], 'modules/losses': ['L1Loss', 'NLLLoss', 'NLLLoss2d', 'PoissonNLLLoss', 'GaussianNLLLoss', 'KLDivLoss', 'MSELoss', 'BCELoss', 'BCEWithLogitsLoss', 'HingeEmbeddingLoss', 'MultiLabelMarginLoss', 'SmoothL1Loss', 'HuberLoss', 'SoftMarginLoss', 'CrossEntropyLoss', 'MultiLabelSoftMarginLoss', 'CosineEmbeddingLoss', 'MarginRankingLoss', 'MultiMarginLoss', 'TripletMarginLoss', 'TripletMarginWithDistanceLoss', 'CTCLoss'], 'dataloader/sampler': ['RandomSampler', 'SequentialSampler', 'DistributedSampler'], 'trainer/callbacks': ['BatchSizeFinder', 'Checkpoint', 'DeviceStatsMonitor', 'EarlyStopping', 'BackboneFinetuning', 'BaseFinetuning', 'GradientAccumulationScheduler', 'LambdaCallback', 'LearningRateFinder', 'LearningRateMonitor', 'ModelSummary', 'OnExceptionCheckpoint', 'BasePredictionWriter', 'ProgressBar', 'RichProgressBar', 'TQDMProgressBar', 'ModelPruning', 'RichModelSummary', 'SpikeDetection', 'ThroughputMonitor', 'Timer', 'ModelCheckpoint']}¶
A custom ZenStore object that will immediately add entries to Hydra’s global config store as soon as they are registered. Use this as a decorator for newly-defined configurable functions/classes outside the main mmlearn package.
- register_external_modules(module, group, name=None, package=None, provider=None, base_cls=None, ignore_cls=None, ignore_prefix=None, **kwargs_for_builds)[source]¶
Add all classes in an external module to a ZenStore.
- Parameters:
module (ModuleType) – The module to add classes from.
group (str) – The config group to add the classes to.
name (Optional[str], optional, default=None) – The name to give to the dynamically-generated configs. If None, the class name is used.
package (Optional[str], optional, default=None) – The package to add the configs to.
provider (Optional[str], optional, default=None) – The provider to add the configs to.
base_cls (Optional[type], optional, default=None) – The base class to filter classes by. The base class is also excluded from the configs.
ignore_cls (Optional[list[type]], optional, default=None) – list of classes to ignore.
ignore_prefix (Optional[str], optional, default=None) – Ignore classes whose names start with this prefix.
kwargs_for_builds (Any) – Additional keyword arguments to pass to
- Return type:
Configuration for the dataloader. |
Configuration template for the datasets. |
Type of the job. |
Top-level configuration for mmlearn experiments. |
- class DataLoaderConf(train=<factory>, val=<factory>, test=<factory>)[source]¶
Configuration for the dataloader.
- class DatasetConf(train=None, val=None, test=None)[source]¶
Configuration template for the datasets.
- class MMLearnConf(defaults=<factory>, experiment_name='???', job_type=JobType.train, seed=None, datasets=<factory>, dataloader=<factory>, task='???', trainer=<factory>, tags=<factory>, resume_from_checkpoint=None, strict_loading=True, torch_compile_kwargs=<factory>, hydra=<factory>)[source]¶
Top-level configuration for mmlearn experiments.
¶ Configuration for the dataloaders.
¶ Configuration for the datasets.
= '???'¶ Name of the experiment. This must be specified for any experiment to run.
¶ Hydra configuration.
] = None¶ Seed for the random number generators. This is set for Python, Numpy and PyTorch, including the workers in PyTorch Dataloaders.
= True¶ Whether to strictly enforce loading of model weights i.e. strict=True in
]¶ Configuration for torch.compile. These are essentially the same as the arguments for
- external_store = external_store {'modules/optimizers': ['Adadelta', 'Adagrad', 'Adam', 'Adamax', 'AdamW', 'ASGD', 'LBFGS', 'NAdam', 'RAdam', 'RMSprop', 'Rprop', 'SGD', 'SparseAdam'], 'modules/lr_schedulers': ['StepLR', 'MultiStepLR', 'ExponentialLR', 'CosineAnnealingLR', 'CyclicLR', 'OneCycleLR', 'ReduceLROnPlateau', 'LinearLR', 'PolynomialLR', 'CosineAnnealingWarmRestarts'], 'modules/losses': ['L1Loss', 'NLLLoss', 'NLLLoss2d', 'PoissonNLLLoss', 'GaussianNLLLoss', 'KLDivLoss', 'MSELoss', 'BCELoss', 'BCEWithLogitsLoss', 'HingeEmbeddingLoss', 'MultiLabelMarginLoss', 'SmoothL1Loss', 'HuberLoss', 'SoftMarginLoss', 'CrossEntropyLoss', 'MultiLabelSoftMarginLoss', 'CosineEmbeddingLoss', 'MarginRankingLoss', 'MultiMarginLoss', 'TripletMarginLoss', 'TripletMarginWithDistanceLoss', 'CTCLoss'], 'dataloader/sampler': ['RandomSampler', 'SequentialSampler', 'DistributedSampler'], 'trainer/callbacks': ['BatchSizeFinder', 'Checkpoint', 'DeviceStatsMonitor', 'EarlyStopping', 'BackboneFinetuning', 'BaseFinetuning', 'GradientAccumulationScheduler', 'LambdaCallback', 'LearningRateFinder', 'LearningRateMonitor', 'ModelSummary', 'OnExceptionCheckpoint', 'BasePredictionWriter', 'ProgressBar', 'RichProgressBar', 'TQDMProgressBar', 'ModelPruning', 'RichModelSummary', 'SpikeDetection', 'ThroughputMonitor', 'Timer', 'ModelCheckpoint']}¶
A custom ZenStore object that will immediately add entries to Hydra’s global config store as soon as they are registered. Use this as a decorator for newly-defined configurable functions/classes outside the main mmlearn package.
- register_external_modules(module, group, name=None, package=None, provider=None, base_cls=None, ignore_cls=None, ignore_prefix=None, **kwargs_for_builds)[source]¶
Add all classes in an external module to a ZenStore.
- Parameters:
module (ModuleType) – The module to add classes from.
group (str) – The config group to add the classes to.
name (Optional[str], optional, default=None) – The name to give to the dynamically-generated configs. If None, the class name is used.
package (Optional[str], optional, default=None) – The package to add the configs to.
provider (Optional[str], optional, default=None) – The provider to add the configs to.
base_cls (Optional[type], optional, default=None) – The base class to filter classes by. The base class is also excluded from the configs.
ignore_cls (Optional[list[type]], optional, default=None) – list of classes to ignore.
ignore_prefix (Optional[str], optional, default=None) – Ignore classes whose names start with this prefix.
kwargs_for_builds (Any) – Additional keyword arguments to pass to
- Return type: