"""Functions and definitions for server models."""
from enum import Enum
from functools import partial
from typing import Any, Callable, TypeAlias, Union
from fl4health.client_managers.base_sampling_manager import SimpleClientManager
from fl4health.reporting.base_reporter import BaseReporter
from fl4health.server.adaptive_constraint_servers.fedprox_server import FedProxServer
from fl4health.server.base_server import FlServer
from fl4health.strategies.fedavg_with_adaptive_constraint import FedAvgWithAdaptiveConstraint
from fl4health.utils.metric_aggregation import evaluate_metrics_aggregation_fn, fit_metrics_aggregation_fn
from flwr.common.parameter import ndarrays_to_parameters
from flwr.server.strategy import FedAvg
from torch import nn
from typing_extensions import Self
from florist.api.models.mnist import MnistNet
from florist.api.servers.config_parsers import ConfigParser
GetServerFunction: TypeAlias = Callable[[nn.Module, int, list[BaseReporter], dict[str, Any]], FlServer]
FitConfigFn: TypeAlias = Callable[[int], dict[str, Union[bool, bytes, float, int, str]]]
class Model(Enum):
"""Enumeration of supported models."""
def class_for_model(cls, model: Self) -> type[nn.Module]:
Return the class for a given model.
:param model: (Model) The model enumeration object.
:return: (type[torch.nn.Module]) A torch.nn.Module class corresponding to the given model.
:raises ValueError: if the client is not supported.
if model in [Model.MNIST_FEDAVG, Model.MNIST_FEDPROX]:
return MnistNet
raise ValueError(f"Model {model.value} not supported.")
def config_parser_for_model(cls, model: Self) -> ConfigParser:
Return the config parser for a given model.
:param model: (Model) The model enumeration object.
:return: (type[torch.nn.Module]) A torch.nn.Module class corresponding to the given model.
:raises ValueError: if the client is not supported.
if model == Model.MNIST_FEDAVG:
return ConfigParser.BASIC
if model == Model.MNIST_FEDPROX:
return ConfigParser.FEDPROX
raise ValueError(f"Model {model.value} not supported.")
def server_factory_for_model(cls, model: Self) -> "ServerFactory":
Return the server factory instance for a given model.
:param model: (Model) The model enumeration object.
:return: (type[AbstractServerFactory]) A ServerFactory instance that can be used to construct
the FL server for the given model.
:raises ValueError: if the client is not supported.
if model == Model.MNIST_FEDAVG:
return ServerFactory(get_server_function=get_fedavg_server, model=model)
if model == Model.MNIST_FEDPROX:
return ServerFactory(get_server_function=get_fedprox_server, model=model)
raise ValueError(f"Model {model.value} not supported.")
def list(cls) -> list[str]:
List all the supported models.
:return: (list[str]) a list of supported models.
return [model.value for model in Model]
class ServerFactory:
"""Factory class that will provide the server constructor."""
def __init__(self, get_server_function: GetServerFunction, model: Model):
Initialize a ServerFactory.
:param get_server_function: (GetServerFunction) The function that will be used to produce
the server constructor.
:param model: (Model) The model to call the server function with.
self.get_server_function = get_server_function
self.model = model
def get_server_constructor(
n_clients: int,
reporters: list[BaseReporter],
server_config: dict[str, Any],
) -> Callable[[Any], FlServer]:
Make the server constructor based on the self.get_server_function.
:param n_clients: (int) The number of clients participating in the FL training.
:param reporters: (list[BaseReporter]) A list of reporters to be passed to the FL server.
:param server_config: (dict[str, Any]) A dictionary with the server configuration values.
:return: (Callable[[Any], FlServer]) A callable function that will construct an FL server.
torch_model_class = Model.class_for_model(self.model)
return partial(self.get_server_function, torch_model_class(), n_clients, reporters, server_config)
def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:
Check if the self instance is equal to the given other instance.
:param other: (Any) The other instance to compare it to.
:return: (bool) True if the instances are the same, False otherwise.
if not isinstance(other, self.__class__):
return NotImplemented
if self.get_server_function != other.get_server_function: # noqa: SIM103
return False
return True
def fit_config_function(server_config: dict[str, Any], current_server_round: int) -> dict[str, int]:
Produce the fit config dictionary.
:param server_config: (dict[str, Any]) A dictionary with the server configuration.
:param current_server_round: (int) The current server round.
return {
"current_server_round": current_server_round,
def get_fedavg_server(
model: nn.Module,
n_clients: int,
reporters: list[BaseReporter],
server_config: dict[str, Any],
) -> FlServer:
Return a server with FedAvg strategy.
:param model: (nn.Module) The torch.nn.Module instance for the model.
:param n_clients: (int) the number of clients participating in the FL training.
:param reporters: (list[BaseReporter]) A list of reporters to be passed to the FL server.
:param server_config: (dict[str, Any]) A dictionary with the server configuration values.
:return: (FlServer) An FlServer instance configured with FedAvg strategy.
fit_config_fn: FitConfigFn = partial(fit_config_function, server_config) # type: ignore
initial_model_parameters = ndarrays_to_parameters([val.cpu().numpy() for _, val in model.state_dict().items()])
strategy = FedAvg(
client_manager = SimpleClientManager()
return FlServer(strategy=strategy, client_manager=client_manager, reporters=reporters)
def get_fedprox_server(
model: nn.Module,
n_clients: int,
reporters: list[BaseReporter],
server_config: dict[str, Any],
) -> FlServer:
Return a server with FedProx strategy.
:param model: (nn.Module) The torch.nn.Module instance for the model.
:param n_clients: (int) the number of clients participating in the FL training.
:param reporters: (list[BaseReporter]) A list of reporters to be passed to the FL server.
:param server_config: (dict[str, Any]) A dictionary with the server configuration values.
:return: (FlServer) An FlServer instance configured with FedProx strategy.
fit_config_fn: FitConfigFn = partial(fit_config_function, server_config) # type: ignore
initial_model_parameters = ndarrays_to_parameters([val.cpu().numpy() for _, val in model.state_dict().items()])
strategy = FedAvgWithAdaptiveConstraint(
# Server waits for min_available_clients before starting FL rounds
# We use the same fit config function, as nothing changes for eval
client_manager = SimpleClientManager()
return FedProxServer(client_manager=client_manager, strategy=strategy, model=None, reporters=reporters)