florist.api.servers.launch module

Functions and definitions to launch local servers.

launch_local_server(server_factory, server_config, server_address, n_clients, redis_host, redis_port)[source]

Launch a FL server locally.

  • server_factory (ServerFactory) – (ServerFactory) an instance of ServerFactory, which will be used to make a server for the model.

  • server_config (dict[str, Any]) – (dict[str, Any]) a dictionary with the necessary server configurations for the model.

  • server_address (str) – (str) The address the server should start at.

  • n_clients (int) – (int) The number of clients that will report to this server.

  • redis_host (str) – (str) the host name for the Redis instance for metrics reporting.

  • redis_port (str) – (str) the port for the Redis instance for metrics reporting.

Return type:

tuple[str, Process, str]


(tuple[str, multiprocessing.Process, str]) a tuple with: - The UUID of the server, which can be used to pull metrics from Redis. - The server’s local process object. - The local path for the log file.