API Reference¶
This section provides detailed information about the API endpoints for the Health Recommendation System.
Health Recommendations¶
- POST /recommend¶
Generate a health service recommendation based on the input query.
Request Body
{ "query": "I need mental health support", "latitude": 43.6532, "longitude": -79.3832, "radius": 5000, "rerank": false }
- Request JSON Object:
query (string) – The user’s health-related query (required)
latitude (number) – Optional latitude for location-based search
longitude (number) – Optional longitude for location-based search
radius (number) – Optional search radius in meters (default: 5000)
rerank (boolean) – Optional flag to enable/disable reranking of the services (default: false)
- Response JSON Object:
recommendation (string) – Generated recommendation text
services (array) – List of relevant health services
Response Body
{ "message": "Based on your query...", "is_emergency": false, "is_out_of_scope": false, "services": [ { "id": "service_id", "name": "Service Name", "description": "Service description", "categories": ["category1", "category2"], "address": "123 Health St", "phone_numbers": [{ "number": "+1-123-456-7890", "type": "Main" }], "website": "https://example.com", "hours": "Monday-Friday 9AM-5PM" } ], "no_services_found": false }
- Response JSON Object:
message (string) – Generated recommendation text
is_emergency (boolean) – Indicates if the query suggests an emergency
is_out_of_scope (boolean) – Indicates if the query is outside service scope
services (array) – List of relevant health services (optional)
no_services_found (boolean) – Indicates if no matching services were found
- Status Codes:
200 OK – Recommendation generated successfully
422 Unprocessable Entity – Invalid request parameters
500 Internal Server Error – Server error
Question Generation¶
- GET /questions¶
Generate follow-up questions based on the initial query and recommendation.
Example Request
GET /questions?query=mental+health+support&recommendation=Based+on+your+query...
- Query Parameters:
query (string) – The user’s original health query (required)
recommendation (string) – The previously generated recommendation (required)
Response Body
{ "questions": [ "Do you prefer in-person or virtual care?", "What type of mental health support are you looking for?" ] }
- Response JSON Object:
questions (array) – List of generated follow-up questions
- Status Codes:
200 OK – Questions generated successfully
400 Bad Request – Invalid query parameters
500 Internal Server Error – Server error
Recommendation Refinement¶
- POST /refine_recommendations¶
Refine the initial recommendation based on answers to follow-up questions.
Request Body
{ "query": { "query": "mental health support", "latitude": 43.6532, "longitude": -79.3832, "radius": 5000 }, "questions": ["Do you prefer in-person or virtual care?"], "answers": ["in-person"], "recommendation": "Previous recommendation text..." }
- Request JSON Object:
query (object) – Query object containing:
query.query (string) – The user’s health-related query (required)
query.latitude (number) – Optional latitude for location-based search
query.longitude (number) – Optional longitude for location-based search
query.radius (number) – Optional search radius in meters
questions (array) – List of follow-up questions (required)
answers (array) – User’s answers to the follow-up questions (required)
recommendation (string) – The previous recommendation (required)
Response Body
{ "message": "Based on your preferences...", "is_emergency": false, "is_out_of_scope": false, "services": [ { "id": "service_id", "name": "Service Name", "description": "Service description" } ], "no_services_found": false }
- Response JSON Object:
message (string) – Refined recommendation text
is_emergency (boolean) – Updated emergency status
is_out_of_scope (boolean) – Updated scope status
services (array) – Updated list of relevant services (optional)
no_services_found (boolean) – Indicates if no matching services were found
- Status Codes:
200 OK – Recommendation refined successfully
422 Unprocessable Entity – Invalid request data
500 Internal Server Error – Server error
Service Information¶
- GET /services/all¶
Retrieve all available health services from the database.
Response Body
[ { "id": "service_id", "name": "Service Name", "description": "Service description", "categories": ["category1", "category2"], "address": "123 Health St", "phone_numbers": [{ "number": "+1-123-456-7890", "type": "Main" }], "website": "https://example.com", "hours": "Monday-Friday 9AM-5PM" } ]
- Response JSON Object:
services (array) – List of all health services
- Status Codes:
200 OK – Services retrieved successfully
500 Internal Server Error – Server error
- GET /services/count¶
Get the total number of available health services.
Response Body
{ "count": 150 }
- Response JSON Object:
count (integer) – Total number of services in the database
- Status Codes:
200 OK – Count retrieved successfully
500 Internal Server Error – Server error
Error Responses¶
All endpoints may return the following error responses:
"detail": "Error message describing what went wrong"
Common HTTP Status Codes¶
200 OK
: Request successful400 Bad Request
: Invalid parameters422 Unprocessable Entity
: Invalid request body500 Internal Server Error
: Server-side error
API Benchmark¶
The following table shows latency benchmarks for the /recommend API endpoint. Tests were run with different combinations of query parameters and reranking options. Each request was made sequentially to measure individual request latency accurately. The summary statistics are generating from 50 runs with a timeout of 30 seconds w/ no delay between each request.
Test Case |
Mean (s) |
Median (s) |
Std Dev (s) |
Min (s) |
Max (s) |
Sample Size |
Query only |
6.686 |
5.985 |
2.336 |
4.504 |
19.362 |
48 |
Query w/ reranking |
8.729 |
8.547 |
1.964 |
5.249 |
14.133 |
50 |
Query w/ location |
6.795 |
6.260 |
3.560 |
3.277 |
27.860 |
46 |
Query w/ location and reranking |
8.197 |
7.934 |
1.867 |
5.720 |
13.688 |
50 |