
Fairsense-AI is a cutting-edge, AI-driven platform designed to promote transparency, fairness, and equity by analyzing bias in textual and visual content. Built with sustainability in mind, it leverages energy-efficient AI frameworks to ensure an eco-friendly approach to tackling societal biases.

FairSense-AI on PyPI

Quick check application on Google Colab T4

Installation and Setup

Step 1: Install Fair-Sense-AI

Install the Fair-Sense-AI package using pip:

pip install Fair-Sense-AI

Step 2: Quickstart Code Examples

1. Text Bias Analysis

from fairsenseai import analyze_text_for_bias

# Example input text to analyze for bias
text_input = "Men are naturally better at decision-making, while women excel at emotional tasks."

# Analyze the text for bias
highlighted_text, detailed_analysis = analyze_text_for_bias(text_input)

# Print the analysis results
print("Highlighted Text:", highlighted_text)
print("Detailed Analysis:", detailed_analysis)

2. Image Bias Analysis

import requests
from PIL import Image
from io import BytesIO
from fairsenseai import analyze_image_for_bias

# URL of the image to analyze
image_url = "https://media.top1000funds.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/iStock-525807555.jpg"

# Fetch and load the image
response = requests.get(image_url)
image = Image.open(BytesIO(response.content))

# Analyze the image for bias
highlighted_caption, image_analysis = analyze_image_for_bias(image)

# Print the analysis results
print("Highlighted Caption:", highlighted_caption)
print("Image Analysis:", image_analysis)

3. Launch the Interactive Application

from fairsenseai import main

# Launch the Gradio application (will open in the browser)

Bias Detection Tutorial

Data and Sample Notebooks

  1. Download the Data:
    Google Drive Link

  2. Colab Notebook:
    Run the Tutorial


  1. Python 3.7+
    Ensure Python is installed. Download it here.

  2. Tesseract OCR
    Required for extracting text from images.

#### Installation Instructions: - Ubuntu: bash sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install tesseract-ocr - macOS (Homebrew): bash brew install tesseract - Windows:
Download and install Tesseract OCR from this link.

  1. Optional (GPU Acceleration)
    Install PyTorch with CUDA support:

bash pip install torch torchvision torchaudio --index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu117

Usage Instructions

Launching the Application

Run the following command to start Fair-Sense-AI:


This will launch the Gradio-powered interface in your default web browser.


1. Text Analysis

  • Input or paste text in the Text Analysis tab.
  • Click Analyze to detect and highlight biases.

2. Image Analysis

  • Upload an image in the Image Analysis tab.
  • Click Analyze to detect biases in embedded text or captions.

3. Batch Text CSV Analysis

  • Upload a CSV file with a text column in the Batch Text CSV Analysis tab.
  • Click Analyze CSV to process all entries.

4. Batch Image Analysis

  • Upload multiple images in the Batch Image Analysis tab.
  • Click Analyze Images for a detailed review.

5. AI Governance Insights

  • Navigate to the AI Governance and Safety tab.
  • Choose a predefined topic or input your own query.
  • Click Get Insights for recommendations.

Additional Setup in Colab

Run the following commands to ensure everything is ready:

!pip install --quiet fair-sense-ai
!pip uninstall sympy -y
!pip install sympy --upgrade
!apt update
!apt install -y tesseract-ocr

Note: Restart your system if you're using Google Colab.


  • Slow Model Download:
    Ensure a stable internet connection for downloading models.

  • Tesseract OCR Errors:
    Verify Tesseract is installed and accessible in your system's PATH.

  • GPU Support:
    Use the CUDA-compatible version of PyTorch for better performance.


For inquiries or support, contact:
Shaina Raza, PhD
Applied ML Scientist, Responsible AI


This project is licensed under the Creative Commons License.