Source code for florist.api.launchers.local

"""Launcher functions for local clients and servers."""

import logging
import sys
import time
from multiprocessing import Process
from typing import Callable

import flwr as fl
from fl4health.clients.basic_client import BasicClient
from fl4health.server.base_server import FlServer
from flwr.server import ServerConfig

DEFAULT_FORMATTER = logging.Formatter("%(levelname)s %(name)s %(asctime)s | %(filename)s:%(lineno)d | %(message)s")

[docs] def redirect_logging_from_console_to_file(log_file_path: str) -> None: """ Redirect loggers outputting to console to specified file. Args: log_file_path (str): The path to the file to log to. """ # Define file handler to log to and set format fh = logging.FileHandler(log_file_path) fh.setFormatter(DEFAULT_FORMATTER) # Loop through existing loggers to check if they have one or more streamhandlers # If they do, remove them (to prevent logging to the console) and add filehandler for name in logging.root.manager.loggerDict: logger = logging.getLogger(name) if not all([isinstance(h, logging.StreamHandler) is False for h in logger.handlers]): # noqa: C419 logger.handlers = [h for h in logger.handlers if not isinstance(h, logging.StreamHandler)] logger.addHandler(fh)
[docs] def start_server( server_constructor: Callable[..., FlServer], server_address: str, n_server_rounds: int, server_log_file_name: str, ) -> None: """ Start server. Redirects logging to console, stdout and stderr to file. Args: server_constructor (Callable[FlServer]): Callable that constructs FL server. server_address (str): String of <IP>:<PORT> to make server available. n_server_rounds (str): The number of rounds to perform FL server_log_file_name (str): The name of the server log file. """ redirect_logging_from_console_to_file(server_log_file_name) with open(server_log_file_name, "a") as log_file: # Send remaining ouput (ie print) from stdout and stderr to file sys.stdout = log_file sys.stderr = log_file server = server_constructor() fl.server.start_server( server=server, server_address=server_address, config=ServerConfig(num_rounds=n_server_rounds), ) server.shutdown()
[docs] def start_client(client: BasicClient, server_address: str, client_log_file_name: str) -> None: """ Start client. Redirects logging to console, stdout and stderr to file. Args: client (BasicClient): BasicClient instance to launch. server_address (str): String of <IP>:<PORT> where the server is available. client_log_file_name (str): The name of the client log file. """ redirect_logging_from_console_to_file(client_log_file_name) with open(client_log_file_name, "a") as log_file: # Send remaining ouput (ie print) from stdout and stderr to file sys.stdout = log_file sys.stderr = log_file fl.client.start_numpy_client(server_address=server_address, client=client) client.shutdown()
[docs] def launch_server( server_constructor: Callable[..., FlServer], server_address: str, n_server_rounds: int, server_log_file_name: str, seconds_to_sleep: int = 10, ) -> Process: """ Spawn a process that starts FL server. Args: server_constructor (Callable[FlServer]): Callable that constructs FL server. server_address (str): String of <IP>:<PORT> to make server available. n_server_rounds (str): The number of rounds to perform FL. server_log_file_name (str): The name of the log file for the server. seconds_to_sleep (int): The number of seconds to sleep before launching server. Returns ------- Process: The process running the FL server. """ server_process = Process( target=start_server, args=( server_constructor, server_address, n_server_rounds, server_log_file_name, ), ) server_process.start() time.sleep(seconds_to_sleep) return server_process
[docs] def launch_client(client: BasicClient, server_address: str, client_log_file_name: str) -> Process: """ Spawn a process that starts FL client. Args: client (BasicClient): BasicClient instance to launch. server_address (str): String of <IP>:<PORT> to make server available. client_log_file_name: (Optional[str]): The name used for the client log file. """ client_process = Process(target=start_client, args=(client, server_address, client_log_file_name)) client_process.start() return client_process