Source code for florist.api.db.server_entities

"""Definitions for the MongoDB database entities (server database)."""

import json
import uuid
from enum import Enum
from typing import Annotated, Any, Dict, List, Optional

from fastapi.encoders import jsonable_encoder
from motor.motor_asyncio import AsyncIOMotorDatabase
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
from pymongo.results import UpdateResult

from florist.api.clients.common import Client
from florist.api.servers.config_parsers import ConfigParser
from florist.api.servers.models import Model


[docs] @classmethod def list(cls) -> List[str]: """ List all the valid statuses. :return: (List[str]) a list of valid job statuses. """ return [status.value for status in JobStatus]
[docs] class ClientInfo(BaseModel): """Define the information of an FL client.""" id: str = Field(default_factory=uuid.uuid4, alias="_id") client: Client = Field(...) service_address: str = Field(...) data_path: str = Field(...) redis_host: str = Field(...) redis_port: str = Field(...) uuid: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(...)]] metrics: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(...)]]
[docs] class Config: """MongoDB config for the ClientInfo DB entity.""" allow_population_by_field_name = True schema_extra = { "example": { "client": "MNIST", "service_address": "localhost:8001", "data_path": "path/to/data", "redis_host": "localhost", "redis_port": "6380", "uuid": "0c316680-1375-4e07-84c3-a732a2e6d03f", "metrics": '{"host_type": "client", "initialized": "2024-03-25 11:20:56.819569", "rounds": {"1": {"fit_start": "2024-03-25 11:20:56.827081"}}}', }, }
[docs] class Job(BaseModel): """Define the Job DB entity.""" id: str = Field(default_factory=uuid.uuid4, alias="_id") status: JobStatus = Field(default=JobStatus.NOT_STARTED) model: Optional[Annotated[Model, Field(...)]] server_address: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(...)]] server_config: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(...)]] config_parser: Optional[Annotated[ConfigParser, Field(...)]] server_uuid: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(...)]] server_metrics: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(...)]] server_log_file_path: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(...)]] server_pid: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(...)]] redis_host: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(...)]] redis_port: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(...)]] clients_info: Optional[Annotated[List[ClientInfo], Field(...)]] error_message: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(...)]]
[docs] @classmethod async def find_by_id(cls, job_id: str, database: AsyncIOMotorDatabase[Any]) -> Optional["Job"]: """ Find a job in the database by its id. :param job_id: (str) the job's id. :param database: (motor.motor_asyncio.AsyncIOMotorDatabase) The database where the job collection is stored. :return: (Optional[Job]) An instance of the job record with the given ID, or `None` if it can't be found. """ job_collection = database[JOB_COLLECTION_NAME] result = await job_collection.find_one({"_id": job_id}) if result is None: return result return Job(**result)
[docs] @classmethod async def find_by_status(cls, status: JobStatus, limit: int, database: AsyncIOMotorDatabase[Any]) -> List["Job"]: """ Return all jobs with the given status. :param status: (JobStatus) The status of the jobs to be returned. :param limit: (int) the limit amount of records that should be returned. :param database: (motor.motor_asyncio.AsyncIOMotorDatabase) The database where the job collection is stored. :return: (List[Job]) The list of jobs with the given status in the database. """ status = jsonable_encoder(status) job_collection = database[JOB_COLLECTION_NAME] result = await job_collection.find({"status": status}).to_list(limit) assert isinstance(result, list) return [Job(**r) for r in result]
[docs] async def create(self, database: AsyncIOMotorDatabase[Any]) -> str: """ Save this instance under a new record in the database. :param database: (motor.motor_asyncio.AsyncIOMotorDatabase) The database where the job collection is stored. :return: (str) the new job record's id. """ json_job = jsonable_encoder(self) result = await database[JOB_COLLECTION_NAME].insert_one(json_job) assert isinstance(result.inserted_id, str) return result.inserted_id
[docs] async def set_uuids(self, server_uuid: str, client_uuids: List[str], database: AsyncIOMotorDatabase[Any]) -> None: """ Save the server and clients' UUIDs in the database under the current job's id. :param server_uuid: [str] the server UUID to be saved in the database. :param client_uuids: List[str] the list of client UUIDs to be saved in the database. :param database: (motor.motor_asyncio.AsyncIOMotorDatabase) The database where the job collection is stored. """ assert self.clients_info is not None and len(self.clients_info) == len(client_uuids), ( "self.clients_info and client_uuids must have the same length " f"({'None' if self.clients_info is None else len(self.clients_info)}!={len(client_uuids)})." ) job_collection = database[JOB_COLLECTION_NAME] self.server_uuid = server_uuid update_result = await job_collection.update_one({"_id":}, {"$set": {"server_uuid": server_uuid}}) assert_updated_successfully(update_result) for i in range(len(client_uuids)): self.clients_info[i].uuid = client_uuids[i] update_result = await job_collection.update_one( {"_id":}, {"$set": {f"clients_info.{i}.uuid": client_uuids[i]}} ) assert_updated_successfully(update_result)
[docs] async def set_status(self, status: JobStatus, database: AsyncIOMotorDatabase[Any]) -> None: """ Save the status in the database under the current job's id. :param status: (JobStatus) the status to be saved in the database. :param database: (motor.motor_asyncio.AsyncIOMotorDatabase) The database where the job collection is stored. """ job_collection = database[JOB_COLLECTION_NAME] self.status = status update_result = await job_collection.update_one({"_id":}, {"$set": {"status": status.value}}) assert_updated_successfully(update_result)
[docs] async def set_server_metrics( self, server_metrics: Dict[str, Any], database: AsyncIOMotorDatabase[Any], ) -> None: """ Save the server's metrics in the database under the current job's id. :param server_metrics: (Dict[str, Any]) the server metrics to be saved. :param database: (motor.motor_asyncio.AsyncIOMotorDatabase) The database where the job collection is stored. """ job_collection = database[JOB_COLLECTION_NAME] self.server_metrics = json.dumps(server_metrics) update_result = await job_collection.update_one( {"_id":}, {"$set": {"server_metrics": self.server_metrics}}, ) assert_updated_successfully(update_result)
[docs] async def set_client_metrics( self, client_uuid: str, client_metrics: Dict[str, Any], database: AsyncIOMotorDatabase[Any], ) -> None: """ Save a client's metrics in the database under the current job's id. :param client_uuid: (str) the client's uuid whose produced the metrics. :param client_metrics: (Dict[str, Any]) the client's metrics to be saved. :param database: (motor.motor_asyncio.AsyncIOMotorDatabase) The database where the job collection is stored. """ assert self.clients_info is not None and client_uuid in [c.uuid for c in self.clients_info], ( f"client uuid {client_uuid} is not in clients_info ({[c.uuid for c in self.clients_info] if self.clients_info is not None else None})" ) job_collection = database[JOB_COLLECTION_NAME] for i in range(len(self.clients_info)): if client_uuid == self.clients_info[i].uuid: self.clients_info[i].metrics = json.dumps(client_metrics) update_result = await job_collection.update_one( {"_id":}, {"$set": {f"clients_info.{i}.metrics": self.clients_info[i].metrics}}, ) assert_updated_successfully(update_result)
[docs] async def set_server_log_file_path(self, log_file_path: str, database: AsyncIOMotorDatabase[Any]) -> None: """ Save the server's log file path in the database under the current job's id. :param log_file_path: (str) the file path to be saved in the database. :param database: (motor.motor_asyncio.AsyncIOMotorDatabase) The database where the job collection is stored. """ job_collection = database[JOB_COLLECTION_NAME] self.server_log_file_path = log_file_path update_result = await job_collection.update_one( {"_id":}, {"$set": {"server_log_file_path": log_file_path}} ) assert_updated_successfully(update_result)
[docs] async def set_client_log_file_path( self, client_index: int, log_file_path: str, database: AsyncIOMotorDatabase[Any], ) -> None: """ Save the clients' log file path in the database under the given client index and current job's id. :param client_index: (str) the index of the client in the job. :param log_file_path: (str) the path oof the client's log file. :param database: (motor.motor_asyncio.AsyncIOMotorDatabase) The database where the job collection is stored. """ assert self.clients_info is not None, "Job has no clients." assert 0 <= client_index < len(self.clients_info), ( f"Client index {client_index} is invalid (total: {len(self.clients_info)})" ) job_collection = database[JOB_COLLECTION_NAME] update_result = await job_collection.update_one( {"_id":}, {"$set": {f"clients_info.{client_index}.log_file_path": log_file_path}} ) assert_updated_successfully(update_result)
[docs] async def set_server_pid(self, server_pid: str, database: AsyncIOMotorDatabase[Any]) -> None: """ Save the server PID in the database under the current job's id. :param server_pid: [str] the server PID to be saved in the database. :param database: (motor.motor_asyncio.AsyncIOMotorDatabase) The database where the job collection is stored. """ job_collection = database[JOB_COLLECTION_NAME] self.server_pid = server_pid update_result = await job_collection.update_one({"_id":}, {"$set": {"server_pid": server_pid}}) assert_updated_successfully(update_result)
[docs] async def set_error_message(self, error_message: str, database: AsyncIOMotorDatabase[Any]) -> None: """ Save an error message in the database under the current job's id. :param error_message: (str) the error message to be saved in the database. :param database: (motor.motor_asyncio.AsyncIOMotorDatabase) The database where the job collection is stored. """ job_collection = database[JOB_COLLECTION_NAME] self.error_message = error_message update_result = await job_collection.update_one({"_id":}, {"$set": {"error_message": error_message}}) assert_updated_successfully(update_result)
[docs] class Config: """MongoDB config for the Job DB entity.""" allow_population_by_field_name = True schema_extra = { "example": { "_id": "066de609-b04a-4b30-b46c-32537c7f1f6e", "status": "NOT_STARTED", "model": "MNIST", "server_address": "localhost:8000", "server_config": '{"n_server_rounds": 3, "batch_size": 8, "local_epochs": 1}', "server_uuid": "d73243cf-8b89-473b-9607-8cd0253a101d", "server_metrics": '{"host_type": "server", "fit_start": "2024-04-23 15:33:12.865604", "rounds": {"1": {"fit_start": "2024-04-23 15:33:12.869001"}}}', "server_log_file_path": "/Users/foo/server/logfile.log", "server_pid": "123", "redis_host": "localhost", "redis_port": "6379", "clients_info": [ { "client": "MNIST", "service_address": "localhost:8001", "data_path": "path/to/data", "redis_host": "localhost", "redis_port": "6380", "uuid": "0c316680-1375-4e07-84c3-a732a2e6d03f", }, ], "error_message": "Some plain text error message.", }, }
[docs] def assert_updated_successfully(update_result: UpdateResult) -> None: """ Assert an update result has updated exactly one record. :param update_result: (pymongo.results.UpdateResult) the result object from an update. """ raw_result = update_result.raw_result assert isinstance(raw_result, dict) assert raw_result["n"] == 1, f"UpdateResult's 'n' is not 1 ({update_result})" assert raw_result["nModified"] in [1, 0], f"UpdateResult's 'nModified' is not 1 or 0 ({update_result})" assert raw_result["ok"] == 1, f"UpdateResult's 'ok' is not 1 ({update_result})"