Source code for florist.api.db.client_entities

"""Definitions for the SQLIte database entities (client database)."""

import json
import sqlite3
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import Optional

from typing_extensions import Self

from florist.api.db.config import SQLITE_DB_PATH

[docs] class EntityDAO(ABC): """Base Data Access Object (DAO) for SQLite entities.""" table_name = "Entity" db_path = SQLITE_DB_PATH
[docs] @abstractmethod def __init__(self, uuid: str): """ Initialize an Entity. Abstract method to be implemented by the child classes. :param uuid: the UUID of the entity """ self.uuid = uuid
[docs] @classmethod def get_connection(cls) -> sqlite3.Connection: """ Return the SQLite connection object. Will create the table of the entity in the DB if it doesn't exist. :return: (sqlite3.Connection) The SQLite connection object """ sqlite_db = sqlite3.connect(cls.db_path) sqlite_db.execute(f"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {cls.table_name} (uuid TEXT, data TEXT)") sqlite_db.commit() return sqlite_db
[docs] @classmethod def find(cls, uuid: str) -> Self: """ Find the entity in the database with the given UUID. :param uuid: (str) the UUID of the entity. :return: (Self) an instance of the entity. :raises ValueError: if no such entity exists in the database with given UUID. """ sqlite_db = cls.get_connection() results = sqlite_db.execute(f"SELECT * FROM {cls.table_name} WHERE uuid=? LIMIT 1", (uuid,)) for result in results: return cls.from_json(result[1]) raise ValueError(f"Client with uuid '{uuid}' not found.")
[docs] @classmethod def exists(cls, uuid: str) -> bool: """ Check if an entity with the given UUID exists in the database. :param uuid: (str) the UUID of the entity. :return: (bool) True if the entity exists, False otherwise. """ sqlite_db = cls.get_connection() results = sqlite_db.execute(f"SELECT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM {cls.table_name} WHERE uuid=? LIMIT 1);", (uuid,)) for result in results: return bool(result[0]) return False
[docs] def save(self) -> None: """ Save the current entity to the database. Will insert a new record if an entity with self.uuid doesn't yet exist in the database, will update the database entity at self.uuid otherwise. """ sqlite_db = self.__class__.get_connection() if self.__class__.exists(self.uuid): sqlite_db.execute( f"UPDATE {self.__class__.table_name} SET data=? WHERE uuid=?", (self.to_json(), self.uuid) ) else: sqlite_db.execute( f"INSERT INTO {self.__class__.table_name} (uuid, data) VALUES(?, ?)", (self.uuid, self.to_json()) ) sqlite_db.commit()
def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: """ Check if two instances of this entity have the same values for the same attributes. :param other: (object) the other instance to check against. :return: (bool) True if they are equal, False otherwise. """ if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False return self.to_json() == other.to_json()
[docs] @classmethod @abstractmethod def from_json(cls, json_data: str) -> Self: """ Convert from a JSON string to an instance of the entity. Abstract method, to be implemented by the child classes. :param json_data: (str) the entity data as a JSON string. :return: (Self) and instance of the entity populated with the JSON data. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def to_json(self) -> str: """ Convert the entity data into a JSON string. Abstract method, to be implemented by the child classes. :return: (str) the entity data as a JSON string. """ pass
[docs] class ClientDAO(EntityDAO): """Data Access Object (DAO) for the Client SQLite entity.""" table_name = "Client"
[docs] def __init__(self, uuid: str, log_file_path: Optional[str] = None, pid: Optional[int] = None): """ Initialize a Client entity. :param uuid: (str) the UUID of the client. :param log_file_path: the path in the filesystem where the client's log can be located. :param pid: the PID of the client's process. """ super().__init__(uuid=uuid) self.log_file_path = log_file_path = pid
[docs] @classmethod def from_json(cls, json_data: str) -> Self: """ Convert from a JSON string into an instance of Client. :param json_data: the client's data as a JSON string. :return: (Self) and instancxe of ClientDAO populated with the JSON data. """ data = json.loads(json_data) return cls(data["uuid"], data["log_file_path"], data["pid"])
[docs] def to_json(self) -> str: """ Convert the client data into a JSON string. :return: (str) the client data as a JSON string. """ return json.dumps( { "uuid": self.uuid, "log_file_path": self.log_file_path, "pid":, } )