Source code for

"""Data collator for atom modeling."""

import math
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Mapping, Optional, Tuple, Union

import torch
import torch.nn.functional as f
from torch.nn.utils.rnn import pad_sequence
from transformers import PreTrainedTokenizer
from import DataCollatorMixin, _torch_collate_batch

[docs] @dataclass class DataCollatorForAtomModeling(DataCollatorMixin): # type: ignore """ Data collator used for atom modeling tasks in molecular representations. This collator prepares input data for various atom modeling tasks, including masked atom modeling (MAM), autoregressive modeling, and coordinate perturbation. It supports both padding and flattening of input data. Args: tokenizer (PreTrainedTokenizer): Tokenizer used for encoding the data. mam (Union[bool, float]): If True, uses original masked atom modeling. If float, masks a constant fraction of atoms/tokens. autoregressive (bool): Whether to use autoregressive modeling. coords_perturb (float): Standard deviation for coordinate perturbation. return_lap_pe (bool): Whether to return Laplacian positional encoding. return_edge_indices (bool): Whether to return edge indices. k (int): Number of eigenvectors to use for Laplacian positional encoding. max_radius (float): Maximum distance for edge cutoff. max_neighbors (int): Maximum number of neighbors. pad (bool): Whether to pad the input data. pad_to_multiple_of (Optional[int]): Pad to multiple of this value. return_tensors (str): Return tensors as "pt" or "tf". Attributes ---------- tokenizer (PreTrainedTokenizer): The tokenizer used for encoding. mam (Union[bool, float]): The masked atom modeling setting. autoregressive (bool): The autoregressive modeling setting. coords_perturb (float): The coordinate perturbation standard deviation. return_lap_pe (bool): The Laplacian positional encoding setting. return_edge_indices (bool): The edge indices return setting. k (int): The number of eigenvectors for Laplacian PE. max_radius (float): The maximum distance for edge cutoff. max_neighbors (int): The maximum number of neighbors. pad (bool): The padding setting. pad_to_multiple_of (Optional[int]): The multiple for padding. return_tensors (str): The tensor return format. """ tokenizer: PreTrainedTokenizer mam: Union[bool, float] = True autoregressive: bool = False coords_perturb: float = 0.0 return_lap_pe: bool = False return_edge_indices: bool = False k: int = 16 max_radius: float = 12.0 max_neighbors: int = 20 pad: bool = True pad_to_multiple_of: Optional[int] = None return_tensors: str = "pt" # ruff: noqa: PLR0912
[docs] def torch_call( self, examples: List[Union[List[int], Any, Dict[str, Any]]] ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Collate a batch of samples. Args: examples: List of samples to collate. Returns ------- Dict[str, Any]: Dictionary of batched data. """ # Handle dict or lists with proper padding and conversion to tensor. if self.pad: if isinstance(examples[0], Mapping): batch: Dict[str, Any] = self.tokenizer.pad( examples, return_tensors="pt", pad_to_multiple_of=self.pad_to_multiple_of, ) else: batch = { "input_ids": _torch_collate_batch( examples, self.tokenizer, pad_to_multiple_of=self.pad_to_multiple_of, ) } if self.return_lap_pe: # Compute Laplacian and positional encoding ( batch["node_pe"], batch["edge_pe"], batch["attention_mask"], ) = self.torch_compute_lap_pe(batch["coords"], batch["attention_mask"]) if self.return_edge_indices: # Compute edge indices and distances ( batch["edge_indices"], batch["edge_distances"], batch["attention_mask"], ) = self.torch_compute_edges(batch["coords"], batch["attention_mask"]) else: # flatten all lists in examples and concatenate batch = self.flatten_batch(examples) t = torch.zeros(batch["input_ids"].shape[0]).float().uniform_(0, 1) t = torch.cos(t * math.pi * 0.5) if self.mam: special_tokens_mask = batch.pop("special_tokens_mask", None) if special_tokens_mask is None: special_tokens_mask = [ self.tokenizer.get_special_tokens_mask( val, already_has_special_tokens=True ) for val in batch["input_ids"].tolist() ] special_tokens_mask = torch.tensor( special_tokens_mask, dtype=torch.bool ) else: special_tokens_mask = special_tokens_mask.bool() if isinstance(self.mam, float): # Constant masking of a float fraction of the atoms/tokens mask = torch.bernoulli( torch.full(batch["input_ids"].shape, self.mam) ).bool() batch["input_ids"], batch["labels"] = self.apply_mask( batch["input_ids"], mask, special_tokens_mask ) else: # Original MaskGIT functionality batch["input_ids"], batch["labels"] = self.torch_mask_tokens( batch["input_ids"], t, special_tokens_mask=special_tokens_mask ) if self.autoregressive: # extend coords batch["coords"] = [ torch.zeros_like(batch["coords"][:, :1]), batch["coords"], torch.zeros_like(batch["coords"][:, :1]), ], dim=1, ) if "labels" not in batch: batch["labels"] = batch["input_ids"].clone() batch["labels_coords"] = batch["coords"].clone() # create mask of ~special_tokens_mask and exclude bos and eos tokens special_tokens_mask[batch["labels"] == self.tokenizer.bos_token_id] = False special_tokens_mask[batch["labels"] == self.tokenizer.eos_token_id] = False batch["labels"] = torch.where(~special_tokens_mask, batch["labels"], -100) if self.coords_perturb > 0: batch["coords"], batch["labels_coords"] = self.torch_perturb_coords( batch["coords"], batch.get("fixed", None), self.coords_perturb, ) return batch
[docs] def torch_mask_tokens( self, inputs: Any, t: Any, special_tokens_mask: Optional[Any] = None ) -> Tuple[Any, Any]: """Prepare masked tokens inputs/labels for masked atom modeling.""" labels = inputs.clone() batch, seq_len = inputs.shape num_token_masked = (seq_len * t).round().clamp(min=1) batch_randperm = torch.rand((batch, seq_len)).argsort(dim=-1) mask = batch_randperm < num_token_masked.unsqueeze(1) inputs = torch.where( ~mask, inputs, self.tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids(self.tokenizer.mask_token), ) labels = torch.where(mask, labels, -100) if special_tokens_mask is not None: labels = torch.where(~special_tokens_mask, labels, -100) return inputs, labels
[docs] def apply_mask( self, inputs: torch.Tensor, mask: torch.Tensor, special_tokens_mask: torch.Tensor, ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: """Apply the mask to the input tokens.""" labels = inputs.clone() inputs = torch.where( mask, torch.tensor(self.tokenizer.mask_token_id, device=inputs.device), inputs, ) labels = torch.where( ~mask | special_tokens_mask, torch.tensor(-100, device=labels.device), labels, ) return inputs, labels
[docs] def torch_perturb_coords( self, inputs: torch.Tensor, fixed: Optional[torch.Tensor], perturb_std: float ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: """Prepare perturbed coords inputs/labels for coordinate denoising.""" if fixed is None: fixed = torch.zeros_like(inputs).bool() labels = inputs.clone() noise = torch.empty_like(inputs).normal_(0, perturb_std) inputs[~fixed.bool()] += noise[~fixed.bool()] return inputs, labels
[docs] def flatten_batch(self, examples: Any) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Flatten all lists in examples and concatenate with batch indicator.""" batch = {} for key in examples[0]: if key == "input_ids": lengths = [] for sample in examples: lengths.append(len(sample[key])) batch["batch"] = torch.arange(len(examples)).repeat_interleave( torch.tensor(lengths) ) batch[key] = [torch.tensor(sample[key]) for sample in examples], dim=0 ) elif ( key.startswith("coords") or key.endswith("coords") or (key.startswith("fixed") or key.endswith("fixed")) ): batch[key] = [torch.tensor(sample[key]) for sample in examples], dim=0 ) elif key.startswith("energy") or key.endswith("energy"): batch[key] = torch.tensor([sample[key] for sample in examples]) elif key.startswith("forces") or key.endswith("forces"): batch[key] = [torch.tensor(sample[key]) for sample in examples], dim=0 ) return batch
[docs] def torch_compute_edges(self, coords: Any, attention_mask: Any) -> Any: """Compute edge indices and distances for each batch.""" dist_matrix = torch.cdist(coords, coords, p=2) b, n, _ = dist_matrix.shape # ignore distance in padded coords by setting to large number attention_mask_mult = (1.0 - attention_mask) * 1e6 dist_matrix = dist_matrix + attention_mask_mult.unsqueeze(1) dist_matrix = dist_matrix + attention_mask_mult.unsqueeze(2) # to avoid self-loop, set diagonal to a large number dist_matrix = dist_matrix + torch.eye(n) * 1e6 # get adjacency matrix using cutoff adjacency_matrix = torch.where(dist_matrix <= self.max_radius, 1, 0).float() # set max_num_neighbors to 20 to get closest 20 neighbors and set rest to zero _, topk_indices = torch.topk( dist_matrix, k=min(self.max_neighbors, dist_matrix.size(2)), dim=2, largest=False, ) mask = torch.zeros_like(dist_matrix) mask.scatter_(2, topk_indices, 1) adjacency_matrix *= mask # get distances for each batch in for loop distance_list = [] for bi in range(b): distance = dist_matrix[bi][adjacency_matrix[bi] != 0] distance_list.append(distance) # get edge_indices for each batch in for loop edge_indices_list = [] lengths = [] for bi in range(b): edge_indices = torch.column_stack(torch.where(adjacency_matrix[bi] != 0)) lengths.append(edge_indices.size(0)) edge_indices_list.append(edge_indices) edge_indices = pad_sequence( edge_indices_list, batch_first=True, padding_value=0 ) edge_distances = pad_sequence(distance_list, batch_first=True, padding_value=-1) edge_attention_mask = [ [ torch.ones(1, length), torch.zeros(1, edge_indices.size(1) - length), ], dim=1, ) for length in lengths ], dim=0, ) attention_mask =[attention_mask, edge_attention_mask], dim=1) return edge_indices, edge_distances, attention_mask
[docs] def torch_compute_lap_pe(self, coords: Any, attention_mask: Any) -> Any: """Compute Laplacian positional encoding for each batch.""" dist_matrix = torch.cdist(coords, coords, p=2) b, n, _ = dist_matrix.shape # ignore distance in padded coords by setting to large number attention_mask_mult = (1.0 - attention_mask) * 1e6 dist_matrix = dist_matrix + attention_mask_mult.unsqueeze(1) dist_matrix = dist_matrix + attention_mask_mult.unsqueeze(2) # to avoid self-loop, set diagonal to a large number dist_matrix = dist_matrix + torch.eye(n) * 1e6 # get adjacency matrix using cutoff adjacency_matrix = torch.where(dist_matrix <= self.max_radius, 1, 0).float() # set max_num_neighbors to 20 to get closest 20 neighbors and set rest to zero _, topk_indices = torch.topk( dist_matrix, k=min(self.max_neighbors, dist_matrix.size(2)), dim=2, largest=False, ) mask = torch.zeros_like(dist_matrix) mask.scatter_(2, topk_indices, 1) adjacency_matrix *= mask # get distances for each batch in for loop distance_list = [] for bi in range(b): distance = dist_matrix[bi][adjacency_matrix[bi] != 0] distance_list.append(distance) # get edge_indices for each batch in for loop edge_indices_list = [] for bi in range(b): edge_indices = torch.column_stack(torch.where(adjacency_matrix[bi] != 0)) edge_indices_list.append(edge_indices) # Construct graph Laplacian for each batch degree_matrix = torch.diag_embed(adjacency_matrix.sum(dim=2).clip(1) ** -0.5) laplacian_matrix = ( torch.eye(n) - degree_matrix @ adjacency_matrix @ degree_matrix ) # Eigenvalue decomposition for each batch eigval, eigvec = torch.linalg.eigh(laplacian_matrix) eigvec = eigvec.float() # [N, N (channels)] eigval = torch.sort(torch.abs(torch.real(eigval)))[0].float() # [N (channels),] if eigvec.size(1) < self.k: node_pe = f.pad(eigvec, (0, self.k - eigvec.size(2), 0, 0)) else: # use smallest eigenvalues node_pe = eigvec[:, :, : self.k] all_edges_pe_list = [] lengths = [] for i, edge_indices in enumerate(edge_indices_list): e = edge_indices.shape[0] lengths.append(e) all_edges_pe = torch.zeros([e, 2 * self.k]) all_edges_pe[:, : self.k] = torch.index_select( node_pe[i], 0, edge_indices[:, 0] ) all_edges_pe[:, self.k :] = torch.index_select( node_pe[i], 0, edge_indices[:, 1] ) all_edges_pe_list.append(all_edges_pe) # get attention mask for edge_pe based on all_edges_pe_list edge_pe = pad_sequence(all_edges_pe_list, batch_first=True, padding_value=0) edge_attention_mask = [ [torch.ones(1, length), torch.zeros(1, edge_pe.size(1) - length)], dim=1, ) for length in lengths ], dim=0, ) attention_mask =[attention_mask, edge_attention_mask], dim=1) edge_distances = pad_sequence(distance_list, batch_first=True, padding_value=-1) edge_pe =[edge_pe, edge_distances.unsqueeze(-1)], dim=2) node_pe =[node_pe, node_pe], dim=2) return node_pe, edge_pe, attention_mask